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I was waiting for hana when I saw ren in front of a Picture of Mira is he a fan of her to ? "P Ren" I called out and he didn't hear me the I slowly approached him from behind to scare him but

"Hello P" I said but he didn't seem scared he just looked at me and said " you again" and smiled and I said "yes p me again" I. Smiled at him and he came cleaned brushed me hair with his hand and stared in my eyes and then asked "you seem hungry" he whispered but he was right and waited for my answer "yes I am a bit hungry but why don't you join me P" I asked very excited to hear his answer but then "why should I ?" Oh but then " it's a joke gorya I'm hungry too let's go eat " he lifted his hand from my hair "ok then let's go" I said walking in the direction of the bus station but then "where are you going " he asked and I answered " to the bus" with a confused face

And he laughed and pointed at his car a Ferrari and I looked really scared I never wrote in such a car before he laughed at me and asked "dont be scared I will protect you" he looked really serious when he said that

I entered the car carefully very careful and put on my seatbelt and say in the seat uncomfortably and leaned back

My hands even started sweating from how nervous I was "gorya look at me" I looked him in the eyes and saw love but in my eyes were fear and past "I won't drive fast I promise gorya" he smiled not knowing someone is watching him and it's not bright

"I'll start driving now alright" he said "yeah" I answered nervously and he started the loud engine of his Ferrari and started turning slowly to not scare me and we slowly drove to a restaurant with this sign

"I'll start driving now alright" he said "yeah" I answered nervously and he started the loud engine of his Ferrari and started turning slowly to not scare me and we slowly drove to a restaurant with this sign

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"This looks expensive" I muttered he just laughed and walked in with hands in his pockets

"Looks yummy" he licked his lips and immediately started digging on his menu while I ate my salad idk why he was looking at as if he was concerned or nervous but we ate in silence enjoying our presence the we decided to go to a flower shop because I wanted flowers

"Gorya let's go for a walk to cool down from the food a least I need to cool down" he said calmly who can he be that calm idk

"Let's meet up at the rooftop tomorrow we can have a picnic" he suggested " oh sure I don't have anyone to eat with anyways" I laughed and he looked mad and said " how could you say that?" He gripped my shoulders and he shoke me aggressively " do you have no respect?" He was mad I knew it " I'm sorry" I looked down and he hugged me

Ren hugged me

"Gorya you don't deserve this I'm so sorry"

"What do you mean Ren?" I asked pulling a way from the hug and stared at his eyes "nothing" he looked down and said "let me drive you home Gorya" I gasped "in this car?" He laughed

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