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[ you chose [Gorya and thyme meet up and fight] and [Ren and Gorya get another chapter together]]

„i don't want to go home yet" she said „where do want to go?" I asked her „to the store

So both of us drove to the store it was already 5pm but she was a bit sad over him does she really love him or does he love her ?

„Stay here I'll go get something" Gorya stood up and went into store while observed her from the car my car bist what was she getting is that .... Beer? I don't Kavin will be mad if she gets drunk

He saw how sad she was so it won't be a problem

She came back with two beer and opened one in car and started drinking and I drove us to my house

"Don't touch me" she stumbled to walk woah I never seen got like this Note to myself she gets angry when drunk bu then she almost fell on the floor and I caught her "Don't touch me!" She slapped away my hands

"Okay okay i won't touch" but I regretted it immediately when she fell but luckily I caught her but she grabbed my shirt "just just be carrreefull who uuuu loveee nooo persSon likkke me" she slurred and stumbled into my house

But I didn't think it's that hard to take care of drunk Gorya "Gorya stop look at me hey I said look at me" I held her with my two hands I looked in her eyes "I'll be there for you I promise" she nodded an cuddled in my chest

I looked to the ceiling and thought how can control myself she is so cute "let's make a video for the promise" she still slurred a bit "sure"

"I, Ren Jirawat promise to protect Gorya Tontawan" I said as I looked into the camera of Goryas phone she is next

"I, Gorya Tontawan Promise to let Ren Jirawat to protect me" she seems to have sobered up right now

We have cut the video and went to sleep but waking up again was hell

47 missed calls from Bunny Kavin

Was shown on Goryas phone this is hell but Gorya was still sleeping so I just picked her up while she was sleeping and but her in the car because we have to get to Kavin this instant

"Oi-" "shhhh" I cut him off and shushing him because Gorya was in my arms sleeping he glared at me and took her out of my hands "he was so worried I had to cuddle him to sleep" Mj stated

"You really love Kavin?" I asked ne blushed a bit and slapped my arm and disappeared in Kavin bc his room how cute I wish me and Gorya would be like that I thought while walking to my room

Gorya? Did Kavin really put her in my bed this boi but now I have time to finish my painting of here because she deserves one

Authors Note
Guys I have mad a new story Ren x Gorya Please check it out !!! And don't forget to comment and vote

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