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It's so expensive here I can't believe Kavin made me go in there I don't want him to think that I am using his money ugh I don't want to spend his money but he is the one who dragged me here




"Yes" I answered Kavin after he had to call my name a thousand times

"Food is here your favorite Yam Nua (Beef Salad) and Pad woon sen (Stier-fried Glass Noddles)" he pushed the plates in my direction towards

"How did you know these are my favorite dishes?" I gasped

"When you were in our moms belly,she ate a lot of these dishes and when you were 3 years old you refused to eat anything else then these" he smiled sadly

"I guess we have a lot to catch up" I smiled at my brother but then

"Gorya Kavin!!" It was Ren and Mj „ are you both on a secret Date" maj wiggled his eyebrows „ew I would never go on a date with my sister" Kavin gagged


They both screamed the both gasped „she is Tu" Ren asked „my old name is Tu I'm still Gorya for guys" I exclaimed

Ren laughed and we talked and took instagram pictures and posted eachother on our stories and after that we decided to go to an bar were Kavin was VIP

„Do you have a high alcohol tolerance Gorya?" he asked me causing everyone to look at me + REN's beautiful eyes „I don't know I never drank alcohol except beer" I answered truthfully

„Then this is special" Ren said as he took a sip of this drink it was blue

„Are you going to crash at our place tonight?" before someone could answer I said „were can they sleep?" I asked
"We have rooms in Kavins villa"

I choked on my drink "you what?" I asked with wide open eyes "oh yeah I forgot to tell you" Kavin scratched the back of his head

I just glared at him while sipping my 8th glass of alcohol "wait isn't this your 8th glass?" Mj asked shooked and just responded with "oh this yeah" I smiled

"I'm impressed" Ren smiled and we all laughed and enjoyed our night without thyme tho...to be honest he causes to much problems I sighed

„Guys let's head out and watch a film at home ?" Ren suggested we all agreed and went I was driving with Kavin and Ren and Mj were in one car and we drove home to watch euphoria;)

But I feel asleep but I remember been carried by Ren and I asked him „what are you doing" with a strained voice (?)

"Go to sleep Gorya hm?" He caresses my hair ugh my weakness and I felt my eyes close and I feel asleep

But when I woke up the next day there was voices coming downstairs the boys were cooking and by cooking I mean Kavin and Ren were cooking and Mj was being annoying

"Oh good morning Gorya" Mj said I just waved sleepy "let's not go to school today" Kavin suggested but I interrupted "oi no we have to go to school" I scolded "just this once CANT be that bad hmm" I can't stand this eyes "fine"

Authors Note
I almost forgot to post this chapter and remember don't ghost read it makes me sad

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