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Mendaline sat in her cave looking at the fire, as she had for half of her lifetime. After Knave had disappeared from Luna's house, the others had seemed to have no choice but to leave as well. They had found Knave waiting outside Mendaline's cave, smiling as if nothing had happened. It had made Mendaline want to kick him in a place he would never forget.

They had all fallen asleep right after dinner, but Mendaline had found herself unable to sleep. After all, she was not used to having company in her cave. She had produced mattresses for all of them, and now her cave was looking like some sort of camp. Yet, she was surprised when she realized that somehow, she did not mind the company at all. Sharing her personal space felt weird, but in a good way.

'Don't get attached to people again Mendy!' She thought. The more attached she got, the more people would crush her soul.

'But these people are not like others!' Said a voice in her mind. She silenced that voice.

All human beings were the same. They were all born with that betraying trait in them. Besides, these people were only here until they saved Alice. After that, they would all go their own way and Mendaline would go back to her normal, alone and free life again. Till then, she knew better than to attach herself with anyone.

"Mendaline?" A low voice called out.

Mendaline knew who it was, which was why she did not bother to turn. "Yes, Charlie?" She replied, exasperatingly.

Out of all his friends, Charlie was the only one who often tried to make small talk with her. At times, he would ask her if it was going to rain. As if she controlled the weather. He had also asked her favourite food, to which she had replied human guts. He had laughed it off but still had a tense line on his forehead, as if he was not sure if she were joking. Once he had even asked her if she would want to go for a walk. Mendaline had often thought that dogs were the only creatures that needed a walk, and she had said the same to Charlie in a manner she believed was polite. At least he did not make that horrible suggestion ever again.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Charlie asked now, settling himself next to her.

'Why are humans, or ghosts in this case, so clingy?' She thought with some annoyance. "I could ask you the same question." She replied instead.

"I was, until I had a bad dream!" He informed. "And then I saw you sitting here by the fire, all by yourself." When she did not say anything, he cleared his throat loudly.

Mendaline shot him an angry look. "And now you have decided to wake the rest of your friends?" She asked. Now that she looked at him, she noticed he did not betray any hints that he had been sleeping a few minutes ago. Not even his hair was the least bit ruffled.

'The perks of being a ghost!' She thought wistfully.

"I was trying to give you a hint, so you would share with me the reason you weren't sleeping." He replied honestly.

"And you're my father who's worried about me?" She snapped in annoyance. Those memories of people ruling her were all coming back.

"No, I am asking because I care for you as a friend." Charlie replied gently. He sounded so kind and caring, that Mendaline had no choice but to answer the question.

"I am not used to company, so having people in my cave deprived me of my sleep!" She replied.

He chuckled. It made him look less annoying. "I am sure you will get used to it soon."

'That is exactly what I do not want!' Thought Mendaline. However she nodded, waiting for him to go back and sleep. Instead, Charlie hugged his arms around himself and stared at the fire.

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