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"Alice, are you sure about this?" Maria asked, as she hovered next to her anxiously.

"I have never been this sure for anything," Alice assured. She reached out and grabbed her friend's cold hands. "Please let me do this for you, Maria!"

"I haven't seen Birgitta ever since I went against Cora," Maria began. "I don't even know if she's...,"

"She is alive!" Alice informed. "I had already asked Mendaline to find out before I brought you here to see her."

A tear escaped Maria's eyes. "Oh my Alice," She cried. "How long had you been planning this?"

"A while!" Alice allowed. The truth was that she had been trying to find out about Birgitta ever since she had gotten her memories.

 Alice had decided that even if she and Maria never talked to each other again, she would still make sure Maria got to see her sister. 

So with Mendaline's help, Alice had found out all she needed to know, including when would be a nice time to meet Birgitta.

According to Mendaline, Birgitta rode a taxi and often worked a night shift. Which was exactly why Alice and Maria now stood at the side of the road at nine in the night, in the cold and chilly air, waiting for Birgitta to show up. 

Alice had chosen the spot Mendaline had said Birgitta would definitely show up at. However, after standing there for almost an hour, refusing four taxis, Alice hoped she didn't have to kill the witch.

After standing a few more prolonged minutes, a taxi came to a halt right in front of them, and a lady stepped out. Maria's tightened grip on Alice's hand told her that they had finally found the right taxi.

Alice found it impossible to believe the woman in front of her was in her late thirties. She found it even harder to believe that the woman was Birgitta, Maria's sister. 

Where Maria had an endless amount of love for dresses, Birgitta looked like she had never worn a dress before. She was dressed in a black sweater blazer, over slim jog pants and brown Gary boots. Her red hair, similar to Maria's, was tied up in a neat ponytail. Her eyes were covered in mascara and black, heavy eyeshadow. Her lips were decorated with pink lip gloss, and Alice was pretty sure there were plenty of other things Birgitta had applied on her face, that she was not familiar with.

"My dear, a young lady like you shouldn't be standing here all alone, that too so late in the night!" Birgitta said.

Alice couldn't help but notice that Maria had a soft and melodious voice, while Birgitta had a rough, and if not unkind, strict voice.

"Where do you want to go?" Birgitta asked.

Alice chanced a glance at Maria, who was looking at her sister with a look that held so many emotions. Joy, sadness, guilt, admiration, and most of all, love.

"Little girl?" Birgitta called out, making Alice finally look away from Maria.

Alice forced a smile. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" Birgitta asked. "You look like you've been punched by an invisible force!"

Alicke couldn't help but laugh. "I am fine!" She replied.

"So where do you want to go, dear?" Birgitta asked again.

"The hospital!" Alice blurted out, naming the first place that came to her mind.

"Just the place for a girl who said she's fine a minute ago." Birgitta remarked.

'Well, this is going great!' Alice thought in annoyance. "I actually wanted to visit my friend who is ill." She covered up.

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