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Alice had to admit, Mendaline had scared the living crap out of her. The witch had looked so furious when she had grabbed Tristan's collar, that Alice had been glad she hadn't incinerated him on the spot.

Alice did not know what she had been thinking when she had suggested Tristan to talk to Mendaline. She had the crazy idea that if he would talk things out with Mendaline, she might lend him some powers too. Alice supposed she could just do it herself, but after she had already 'helped' Knave twice, she learnt not to mess with powers.

Alice cursed herself. She should've listened to what Tristan had told her this morning, outside Mendaline's cave. He had warned her to let things be, but Alice had been adamant. All she had wanted was for him to feel included.

Alice looked at Tristan now, as he quietly walked beside her. He still seemed shocked. As if he had just survived a traumatic incident, which he had. Mendaline had been completely out of control. She had shouted so loud, that most people had stopped to stare at them.

People were even more terrified, when Charlie had lifted Mendaline in the air, trying to get her to release Tristan. Alice tried to picture what they might've seen. A beautiful girl grabbing a shell-shocked boy by the collar of his shirt, and then suddenly been lifted in the air by a few inches, before vanishing into thin air.

One woman who had gathered the courage to ask Alice what was going on, fainted the second Mendaline had disappeared. Alice had been worried sick for the woman, but Knave had assured her that she would forget everything after some time.

Apparently, Mendaline had some sort of spell so that if she did something crazy in public, like magically appear out of thin air or almost kill someone, she could do so without any worries. Alice could only hope Charlie was safe. He was literally out on a suicide mission.

Alice looked at Knave who was walking ahead of her, deep in conversation with Mike and Maria. She wondered what they were talking about. However, all she was yearning to do at the moment, was talk to Knave. Alice was trying to avoid him as much as possible around Tristan, which was killing her, and perhaps Knave too.

Alice couldn't help it. She felt torn between the two. Whenever she looked at Knave or Tristan, she could only see two boys whose lives she had ruined.

Alice itched to talk to someone who would understand her. Naturally, her eyes came to rest on Maria. There was never a time in her life when she had a problem and Maria had not been there to solve it. 

Alice desperately wanted to run to Maria and tell her all about what she was feeling. She missed that relief she used to find after she would pour out all her feelings and thoughts to her once best friend.

Alice had been tempted many times to talk to Maria ever since she had gotten her memories back, but unfortunately, the memories of her betrayal overpowered all the good times she had spent with her.

Alice reminded herself that things were not the same anymore. She was not sure if the twins had forgiven Maria or not. That was their decision to make. However, Alice was sure of one thing. She had to solve her problems on her own.

Alice grabbed Tristan's hand. "You okay?" She asked.

Tristan squeezed her hand. "I am freaked out!" He admitted, staring ahead. "She surely does hate me a lot."

Alice couldn't argue on that. "Mendaline is not a bad person," She assured. "I am sure there was a big reason behind her behaviour." She said, hoping the witch did.

Tristan nodded. "She told me I reminded her of someone she hated."

Alice turned to look at him. "And I am guessing she didn't tell you exactly who?"

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