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"Aria, you would have to remove your foot from the brake in order to drive." Said Tristan. "Oh, and try opening your eyes while you're at it!"

Aria, who was holding on to the steering wheel for dear life, opened one eye and peered at him. "What if I knock someone?" She asked.

Tristan sighed. "If you're planning to drive with one eye, then you definitely will!"

Aria opened her eyes, but still did not remove her foot from the brake. "Come on, Aria," Tristan encouraged, "I have brought you to an empty road so you can drive without any fear!" 

"What if a car suddenly appears?" She asked.

"I will direct you." Tristan assured.

Very slowly, Aria removed her foot from the brake. The car had only just begun to move, when Aria pressed hard on the brake again. "I can't!" She exclaimed.

Tristan sighed. It was almost lunchtime and he hadn't had anything since the morning, apart from an apple. The chilly air was making him feel even more sick, yet here he was sitting in a car parked in the middle of the road, with a driver who looked like she might pass out at any minute.

The truth was, he was worried. Alice's stunt had rendered him speechless. All he could do was let her know it was not completely her fault. Mendaline had mentioned that Cora was an excellent manipulator and Tristan agreed.

To take his mind off things, he had insisted Aria to drive. She had reluctantly agreed, and now Tristan wondered what he was thinking when he had suggested it. 

"We could try again tomorrow." Tristan suggested.

Aria looked as if he had offered her a lifeline, which he supposed he had. She nodded her head in agreement and got out of the car.

 Tristan watched her as she made her way towards the passenger seat. His heart skipped a beat. He felt something in his stomach. Strangely, his breathing quickened every time he saw Aria. He had never felt that way about Alice.

For the past few days, the only reason he had been going to work on time was to see Aria. There was something about her that drew him towards her. Was this how love felt? Was it love? Could someone just fall in love with someone after spending only a little time with them?

"Are you even planning on taking us home?" Asked Aria, who had at some point opened his side door, and was standing with her arms crossed, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

Tristan cleared his throat. "Yeah, um sorry!" He said, getting out. He made his way to the driver's side as Aria sat.

"You could observe how I drive." Tristan offered, as he took his place behind the wheel.

"Is something bothering you?" Asked Aria. She was looking at him as how one would look at an exam paper. With full concentration and a little annoyance.

Tristan smirked. "I said observe how I drive, not me."

Aria's eyes grew wide, she quickly looked away. "The fact that you keep disappearing in your head made me wonder, that is all!" She explained.

Tristan sat back. They had spent the whole morning parked in the middle of the road, spending a little more time wouldn't hurt. "I am worried about Alice." He admitted.

Aria looked at him. "Did something happen?" She asked.

Tristan explained to her all that had happened the previous night. When he was done, she looked horrified.

"So, Cora can attack us at any moment now, since she is fully healed?" She asked. Tristan nodded. "So what did Mendaline decide to do?"

"Sleep!" He replied.

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