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Knave let Alice and Mendaline walk ahead of him as they made their way to the chamber. He needed some time alone with his thoughts. Having his parents ask his name was almost similar to them strangling him. He had to collect himself to face them again. Alice realized this and was doing her best to give him space. This was why he loved her. She understood him so well.

Knave tried to pinpoint the exact moment he had fallen in love with Alice. The first time he had seen her lying in the woods? No! He had only been amused then. The time she had told him he wasn't good-looking? Then he had been mildly impressed, and also a little surprised. No girl had resisted his charms before. When she had freed him from those wretched woods? He had been grateful and smitten by her bravery.

Knave smiled as he finally realized. He had fallen for Alice the morning she had taken one look at him and had known he was missing his parents.

Knave had spent his entire life masking his feelings. He had never shown anyone how scared he used to get when his father didn't show up many nights. He had pretended it did not hurt him when he saw his mother pacing around her room, worrying if their father would ever return. He had never told Aria how it broke him when he saw her cry every night for her parents who would never return.

Knave had learnt to hide behind a mask that would conceal his feeling and thoughts. He had been taken aback when Alice, a girl he barely knew then, had seen right through him so easily.

Knave had been enraptured when she had offered to take him to see his parents, when he knew she had no reason to. Alice's bravery, innocence and goodness were what drew him towards her. It was what still made his heart beat for her and it always would.

"Have we met before?" Asked Aria.

Knave gave a start. He looked around. Alice and Mendaline were nowhere to be seen. He realized he was approaching the kitchen. Last he knew he was making his way up the stairs. Then, he remembered that the chamber was on the right side of the top stairs. He must've been so lost in thoughts that he had taken the wrong turn. Or maybe it had been so long that he had forgotten his own house. That thought was scary.

Knave looked towards the kitchen. He could see the white marble tiles and the black cabinets. Even from the distance he could hear Jade, their cook singing her favourite rhyme, 'Little Robin Red Breast'. At least Knave still remembered the lines.

"Yes! you are lost." Aria confirmed. "Here, let me take you!" She did not wait for him to answer. Instead, she continued walking. He fell into step beside her. "So, have we met before?" Aria asked again.

Knave decided to answer the question with a question. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I can't get rid of the feeling that I know you." Aria laughed. "You must think I am crazy!"

"No!" Knave said. He felt Aria look at him in surprise. He looked at her and smiled. Aria's expression turned into alarm and she quickly looked away, quickening her pace.

Knave almost chuckled. Aria always freaked out when a boy so much as waved at her. It was the reason why Knave was her only friend. He supposed if he had not known her from the time they were little kids in diapers, she would've ran away from him long back. Just as she was trying to do now.

Knave walked quietly beside Aria, giving her as much space as possible, as they made the rest of their way.

Alice and Mendaline were standing inside the chamber studying a black ball, which was placed on a table in the centre of the room. Neither of them noticed Knave as he entered the chamber. Aria stopped outside, making no attempt to leave.

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