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Aria stood outside the gate of the mansion, shivering as she waited for their new driver, Tristan. She found herself missing Samuel. Not only was he punctual, but Aria always felt comfortable around him. She was not sure she would feel the same way with this new driver.

"Are you sure you texted him, Pete?" She asked the guard, who stood next to her patiently waiting.

"Yes Aria, he will be arriving shortly!" He replied.

Aria nodded. She supposed she should've been waiting inside rather than standing with the guard, but she was not sure she could face Knave as a friend just yet.

Aria felt as if her life was in fast-forward mode and she was slow to make sense of what was happening. The curse, Knave and Alice, Aunt Lorine, it was too much to take in. She had to divert herself, and what better way to do so than shopping?

The wind blew hard and Aria shivered again. She had forgotten to carry a jacket. She stood, thinking. Tristan was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she could go back and fetch one in time.

Aria turned back to do just that when suddenly Tristan arrived, parking the car just a few inches away from her, which did nothing to improve his first impression.

Tristan rolled down the driver's window. "Sorry, I am late," He paused. "Ma'am!" He added, almost as an afterthought.

Aria waved her hand. "Please call me Aria!" She said, opening the door to the passenger's side.

Tristan looked surprised. "You're riding shotgun?" He asked, as she strapped her seat belt.

She smiled. "I did the same with Samuel, who I did not consider a driver." She informed. "But if you want me to treat you like one then...., I can sit in the backseat."

"I think it's fine!" He said, starting to reverse.

"Happy shopping, Aria!" Pete shouted. Aria waved in response.

They rode in silence for a while. Aria used the opportunity to study Tristan. He looked like a kid driving, compared to Samuel. He was handsome with his blonde hair but Aria preferred black for obvious reasons. She looked away.

"So everyone calls you Aria?" Tristan asked.

Aria nodded. "I am not quite in the position to be called Ma'am," She shrugged. "I am not comfortable with that anyway!"

Tristan nodded. They stopped at a red light. "So, where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Aunt Lorine's friend, Aunt pearl has a boutique just about five kilometres from here," She informed. "I will tell you when to turn." 

"Sure!" He rested his arm on the window. "Can you drive?" He asked.

"Hell no!" She blurted out.

"Why not?" He asked. "I mean sure you have drivers and all, but where there are cars like this baby here, you need to drive!" He said, gazing down at the steering wheel in adoration.

Aria looked skyward. Why did she have to deal with a car freak? "I am afraid I might finish half of London's population!" She replied honestly. She chuckled. "Knave did offer to teach me once, but I declined."

"Why so?" He asked.

'Because I was scared that I would lose myself in those deep blue eyes and crash the car!' She thought. She decided to go with the half-truth. "I am scared!"

"Well, there is no need to," Tristan assured. "Once you learn how to control the car, driving is as simple as breathing." She did not reply. Mostly to shut him up on his lectures on driving and cars.

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