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Tristan awoke with the sun in his eyes. His head was spinning so terribly, that it took a moment for him to remember where he was. He was in his room, lying in bed, wearing only shorts and a thin shirt, which was wet with sweat. He sat up and was startled to see Alice sleeping in a chair, next to his bed. She had probably been up all night worrying about him.

Suddenly, all the events of the previous day came rushing to him. Tristan felt dizzy again, and he laid back down. His head was threatening to burst. His heart felt as if someone were clenching it hard. His whole life had been a lie. How would his mother feel if she found out?

His throbbing subsided and Tristan got up. He made his way to the bathroom, careful not to wake Alice. As the warm shower hit his head, he felt as if the fog were clearing from his mind. Cora's powers had such a strong hold on his mind that even now, his memories were vague. He could only remember bits and pieces from his past life.

Tristan remembered spending his afternoons sitting alone in the park. Not with Alice in her house. The realization made him feel as if the ground had swept out from underneath him. He felt as if he would never be able to feel normal again.

Tristan had always found Alice's mother unusual, but had never imagined her being a witch. He wondered what Alice might be going through. She definitely seemed changed. As if some part of her was broken beyond repair. Tristan felt the same.

Despite everything else, what bothered him the most was that he did not know how he felt anymore. He loved Alice, sure. Nothing would change that. However, he wondered if he loved her solely on memories that did not even exist.

"Alice?" Tristan called out, kneeling beside Alice's chair. She stirred, but still did not open her eyes. He touched her shoulder gently and tried again. "Alice?"

This time she opened her eyes and looked at him. She immediately sat up, pressing her hand to his forehead. "Are you feeling better?" She asked in concern. She put her hand down, relieved to find his temperature normal.

"I am much better!" He lied. He felt far from better. "See!" He stood up and jumped, as if this would assure her. Nevertheless, Alice nodded as if she believed him. She took him in from head to toe, and Tristan felt self-conscious.

"Do you remember what I told you yesterday?" She slowly asked, as if dreading the answer.

"Yes!" He replied. It was all he could manage to say. She looked away from him, staring at the ground.

Tristan realized he had to start the conversation. He cleared his throat. "How long do you think we were with false memories?"

"Three months!" She replied.

Tristan did not reply. What could he possibly say that would make either of them feel better? The truth had turned both their lives upside down. It had changed everything, perhaps forever.

Tristan heard footsteps, before his room door opened. He found his mother standing by the threshold, holding a tray which held some toast and juice. "Good morning!" Ela announced, with a bright smile. She walked closer to Tristan, and like Alice, pressed her hand to his forehead. "At least your fever is down." She said, sounding relieved. "I brought breakfast for both of you!" She placed the tray on his bed before turning to face them. "I had a terrible headache myself last night." She informed. Tristan wondered if it had anything to do with Cora.

Ela turned to look at Alice. "Thank you for looking out for Tristan, sweetheart! I don't know what I would've done without you." She chuckled. "Actually, both of us!" She added, looking at Tristan. He looked at Alice, only to find her sitting with her eyes closed, as if in pain. Ela's smile faltered. "Is something wrong, darling?" She asked.

Without warning, Alice stood up and ran towards her. "I am so sorry!" She whispered, before hugging her tightly.

Ela stumbled back with surprise but held on to her. "What could you possibly be sorry for?" She asked incredulously. She looked at Tristan. A question in her eyes.

He shrugged. "She's just tired mom."

Her mother gave him an exasperated look. "So she decided to apologize? Seriously Tristan?" She scolded. Tristan got the sudden urge to copy Alice. He dropped his gaze to the floor and found that it looked extraordinary.

Alice broke the hug. "I am sorry I couldn't be with you last night."

"Oh!" Ela exclaimed. Her smile returned. "You had me scared there!" She chuckled. Alice gave a small smile. Ela put a hand underneath her chin. "You have already done a lot! There is absolutely no need to feel guilty." She assured, before glancing at the watch on her wrist. "I'm afraid I'll have to rush," She said, giving Tristan an apologetic look. "I have to reach school in half an hour. After all, being late would not look good on a principal!"

"I understand, mom!" Tristan said.

Ela reached out and kissed his cheek. "Take care, love!" She said. "You too, darling." Ela said, kissing Alice on her forehead.

Tristan turned to Alice as soon as his mother left. "What are you going to do now?"

"Get fresh, then eat!" She replied, making her way to the bathroom.

Tristan sat on the bed and patiently waited for Alice to finish. She came out dressed in a plain new white dress looking if not better, refreshed. Alice had always kept her necessary items at Tristan's place, since most times she slept in his house when she visited. Tristan found himself grateful for some normalcy. Alice came to sit next to him on the bed, smelling strongly of lemon shampoo.

Tristan cleared his throat and tried again. "I meant what are you going to do about your mother."

"Cora!" Alice corrected, taking a bite of toast. "And to answer the question..," She began, before he could reply, "I am going to search my house for something that could prove useful."

Tristan was horrified. "You're going back there?" He said, unable to keep fear out of his voice.

"Got a better plan?" She asked, looking down at her toast.

There was something that was changed about her, but Tristan could not put a finger on it. "Then, I am coming with you!" He said.

It was Alice's turn to look horrified. She began shaking her head in disagreement. "Tristan..," She began but he raised a palm, stopping her. "I am not letting you do this alone!"

"I already ruined your life, Tristan!" She cried. "I can't let you come it's...., it's too dangerous!"

"All the more reason I should come." He argued.

"Tristan!" She shouted.

"Alice!" He said, matching her tone.

She eyed him and he met her gaze. "I am not leaving you Ali, and you know you can't win me on this!" He said.

Her shoulders slumped down in defeat. "Fine!" She snapped. "But the moment something happens, you will go away." She said. "Then, and only then will I allow you in the house!"

Tristan nodded. "Sure, I will run away like a coward the minute something happens."

"Tristan!" She said in annoyance. "Tell me you will leave if there is danger."

'As if that's going to happen!' He thought. Instead, he said, "Okay, I will leave!"

Alice looked relieved. "Now eat up!" She announced. "We have to go power hunting."

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