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"My son is dead." Ela said, as she looked at Alice with empty eyes. There were no tears, and her voice was firm. 

They were both sitting on Tristan's bed. His room which was always so lively, now seemed so lifeless without him.

Alice wished for Knave beside her, but she had insisted to go alone to break the news to Tristan's mother, since it seemed to be the right thing to do. She had found Ela in Tristan's room, staring at the pictures that hung on the wall.

 Alice was still devastated over the loss of Tristan, and perhaps even her mother, but somehow she was not completely shattered. She was sure of one thing however, that once she would let herself alone with the knowledge that Tristan was gone forever, her strong facade would break.

Ela had taken the news in a way Alice had not expected. She had not given a single expression as Alice told her everything, including the truth about her mother. She had not shed a single tear even as Alice got to the part where they had lost Tristan. 

"I am so sorry!" Alice said, feeling how worthless and pathetic the words she were uttering were.

 "Tristan did visit me before he...," Ela broke off.

Alice should've known that. Tristan would never take such a big step without bidding goodbye to his mother.

 Alice wondered if he knew the truth when she had last met him and if it was at that moment that he had made up his mind to sacrifice himself for her. If so, who had told him?

"My son did the right thing and I have no regrets," Ela said, breaking her thoughts. "My son was very brave and he has made me proud!"

"I have no doubt," Alice said. She squeezed the older lady's hand. "I can only hope you can forgive me for taking your only son away from you."

Ela looked shocked. "It's not on you, dear! Whatever happened was not your fault." Alice knew that wasn't true. Ela gave her a small smile. "However, it will take me time to come around the fact that I will never see Tristan again, so forgive me if I distance myself in the future."

"You don't have to ask for forgiveness," Alice said, unable to believe Ela was not the least bit angry. "The fact that you are not angry with me is enough." She admitted.

Ela reached out and moved a strand of hair that had been stuck on Alice's face. "You should go and take some rest now," Ela said. "It's been a long day, and you must be tired."

Alice could see how much it was taking for Ela to hold herself up. Sparing her the torture, she got up to leave.

As soon as Ela got up, Alice pulled her into a tight hug. As the other woman hugged her back, she felt her shake in her arms. However, when they broke the hug there were no tears on Ela's face. 

This woman had lost her husband and had raised a son all alone. Now, she suffered the loss of that same son and still managed to hold herself up.

 Alice felt all her grief trivial compared to what Ela was going through. Alice still had people who loved her, Ela had no one. Or maybe she did, and that was what she needed to hear at this moment.

"I am always here for you, Mother!" Alice said. Ela's eyes filled with tears for the first time since she had arrived. Looking at her, Alice couldn't stop her own tears.

"I know, my daughter!" Ela said, as she leaned down to kiss Alice's forehead.

"How's Ela?" Asked Knave, as Alice entered Mendaline's cave.

"She's sleeping now." Alice replied.

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