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"KNAVE!" Alice called out.

Knave's heart fluttered in his chest, as he heard Alice call out his name. He rushed into her bedroom, with the others right behind him.

They found Alice standing in the centre of the room, looking like hell. Her face was streaked with tears. Her hair was down, most of it stuck on her face from tears and sweat. She looked disoriented, scared, angry and broken all at the same time. The sight of seeing her that way was so intense, that Knave had to look away from her for a moment.

Alice's eyes settled on Mendaline and Knave saw relief in her eyes. "Mendaline?" She called out.

Knave was left confused, before the reminder hit him that Mendaline was not a ghost. Which meant Alice could see her. Perhaps only her. The others looked the same, but then seemed to realize that too.

Mendaline looked unaffected. "Why, hello again!" She said, as if she were meeting a friend across the street. Knave fought off the urge to strangle her. Mendaline seemed to notice his stare, since she looked at him and mouthed, 'Wrong way?' Knave closed his eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

Mendaline cleared her throat and tried again. "I see you remembered!" She said slowly, as if she were saying the words for the first time.

Alice broke into tears. "I remember!" She cried out. She fell on her knees, which made Mendaline look around in panic.

"Comfort her, Mendaline." Said Charlie, in a calm tone. Knave looked at him in surprise, wondering how the heck he was controlling himself from slapping the witch.

"What is the process for that?" Mendaline whispered. When no one replied, she fell on her knees beside Alice, and after a little hesitation, hugged her.

 If Knave had not been so worried for Alice, he would've spent more time wondering if Mendaline had ever comforted anyone before. Or had she ever been comforted?

Alice broke the hug and looked around. "I know all of you are here!" She called out. "I can sense it."

Knave felt relief wash over him. Alice could sense them. She remembered everything which meant....

"I hate Cora!" Alice said through gritted teeth. "She played with my emotions for the second time!" Her voice was filled with so much hatred, that Knave was taken aback. He realized in that moment, that the Alice he had first met was gone forever.

"I understand!" Mendaline said, and this time she looked as if she meant it.

Alice looked at her. "No, you don't!" She said. "My mother that... that witch played with not only me, but she dragged another innocent for her selfish motives. She ruined his life!" Knave knew she meant Tristan, but had no idea what she meant by ruined.

Alice looked at Mendaline with tears in her eyes. "She betrayed me again and this time it is worse!" She looked down, sobbing. "I can't take the pain anymore, Mendaline!"

Knave closed his eyes. He could not begin to imagine what Alice might be going through. He wanted to run to her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and let her know that he was always with her. Yet, he stood helplessly with his hands in fists, while she broke down.

"Alice, look at me." Said Mendaline, with unbelievable kindness. "Do you know we all thought we lost you?" She smiled. "But now you remembering everything is a sign that things can still be fixed!"

"Can I?" Asked Alice. "Will I ever be whole again?"

Mendaline looked her straight in the eye. "Yes!" She replied with absolute certainty. "It will take time, but you will recover."

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