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"Well, what are you waiting for?" Asked Mendaline, as she watched Alice stand still with her hand on the doorknob. There was a time when she never thought twice before entering her house, and now...

"Finally realization kicked in as to how absurd your plan is?" Mendaline scoffed.

"Why don't you open the door?" Asked Knave, as he stood patiently beside Alice, holding her hand.

"If I were you, I would just use my powers and walk right in without bothering myself!" Replied the witch. "I don't know why you humans have to complicate things."

"I am a half-witch." Alice corrected, still trying to gather the courage to turn that knob.

"Mendy, you have to understand how hard this is for Alice!" Maria said.

Mendaline crossed her arms. "Yeah, like it's every day I decide to take on witches who are way more powerful than me." She grumbled.

"Mendaline, please!" Charlie called out, sounding a little exasperated.

Before the witch opened her mouth to retort, Alice turned the knob. She froze at the sight of what awaited inside. Beside her, Knave inhaled a sharp breath.

Gone was the house Alice once knew. What she saw now was a giant hedge maze. What was going on in Cora's mind?

"I should've guessed, Cora would want to play such games!" Mendaline said.

"Absolutely, Mendy!" Boomed Cora's voice. "After all, I am so delighted that my daughter came all this way to see me! She finally realizes where she belongs."

"I belong with my friends!" Alice shouted.

"Since it's my game, it will be my rules too." The witch continued, as if Alice hadn't spoken. "You will only find me if all of you manage to get to the end of this maze," Cora paused, as if enjoying every moment of their suffering. "Good luck Alice, my love!"

Knave grabbed Alice's hand tighter. He could not help but feel Cora was manipulating Alice by playing the mother card again. 

Alice squeezed his hand. She smiled when he looked at her. Her eyes conveying a message. She was not going to be fooled again. Knave smiled back, relieved.

"Well, now what?" Charlie asked, breaking the silence.

"Now we move ahead!" Alice replied, looking ahead.

"And whatever happens, we don't split!" Mendaline said. She had subconsciously held Charlie's hand as she had said this. Charlie looked just as surprised as Knave felt.

Behind them, Mike and Maria had also moved closer to each other. Knave did not need to look carefully to know that they were also holding hands. They only had each other in what could be their final moments.

Knave closed his eyes, allowing himself to remember those few moments he was genuinely happy. Memories flooded his mind. Him dining with both his parents. Him playing with Aria when they were kids. He saw the faces of Charlie, Mike, Maria and Mendaline, behind his closed eyelids.

He hadn't even realized when teasing Charlie and Mendaline or listening to Maria and Mike's soothing voices became as important to him as breathing.

He was taken aback when he saw Tristan's face too. With time, Knave had learned to respect Tristan for how gracefully he had handled his feelings as well as everyone's around him. Which was why he was not the least bit angry that Alice had decided to risk her own life to save him.

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