My NEW found angel!

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Chapter 2

My NEW Found Angel

Erik’s POV

I was working on a new piece I was composing. But I just couldn’t get the notes perfect. So I crumpled up the paper and then threw it where my other crumpled up sheet music was. I decided to take a walk around the opera house and maybe listen to the ballet rats rumors about me. I knew they would be totally off but it’s funny how wrong they are.  I stopped by one of the ballet girl’s room and I peeked through the secret passageway. There was a hole that I could see two girls. Sitting on their beds talking to each other when I heard a name I shall never forget……….

“So…….wait!  Your mother was Christine Daae!” a girl said.

When I heard the name ‘Christine Daae’ my heart stopped and played the sentence over again in my mind. Then finally realized that the girl was saying that the other girl, who ever she is, was Christine’s daughter. Then my thoughts were interrupted when the other girl started talking.

“Well yes she wa-” the girl started to say. But then the other girl, who seems very surprised and excited, stopped her and said. “Oh My Gosh! So your full name is Victoria Daae! And Christine Daae the singer who once sang here is your mother!” when I heard that my heart stopped. So that girl is Victoria Daae, Christine’s daughter? But I thought she had a son not a daughter. But a girl is much better. I had to have her and I wouldn’t let her go like I did with Christine. Then they started talking and I paid much attention because I wanted to understand this as much as I could.

“Yes, yes, Allison my name is Victoria Daae! And again please call me Tori not Victoria! Also calm down it is not a big deal!” Victoria, I mean Tori tried to calm the girl whose name is Allison. Hmmmmm….. Allison….. Who is that girl…..? Oh now I remember she’s Allison Giry. Meg Giry’s daughter.

“Not a big deal! Of course it is a big deal! Wait…….can you sing like your mother?” yes I was thinking. That girl is great not only do I find Christine’s daughter but I can also hear her sing! What is it Christmas already?! “Um….. I can but I don’t think I am very good though.” How could Christine’s daughter NOT sing!!!! She has to!

“Oh come one! You’re the Daughter of Christine Daae the most famous opera singer in all of Paris you’re saying you can’t sing! I’ve never heard you sing so how can I agree that your voice isn’t good.” I am starting to like this girl! She has a very good point. I have to remind myself later to thank Meg for giving birth to that child! Then Tori started to sing an aria Christine sang as here audition song.

Think of me, think of me fondly

When we've said goodbye

Remember me once in a while

Please promise me, you'll try

then you'll find that once again you long

To take your heart back and be free

If you'll ever find a moment

Spare a thought for me

She was AMAZING just like Christine. No EXACTLY like Christine. It was like she was the original Christine.

We never said our love was evergreen

Or as unchanging as the sea

But if you can still remember

Stop and think of me

think of all the things

We've shared and seen

Don't think about the way

Things might have been

think of me, think of me waking

Silent and resigned

Imagine me trying too hard

To put you from my mind

Recall those days, look back on all those times

Think of those things we'll never do

There will never be a day

When I won't think of you

Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade

they have their seasons, so do we

But please promise me that sometimes

You will think

She was able to do the long staccato sounds! I felt so happy. I felt as if Christine was right beside me, singing for me. As if she never left me.

Of me

I knew that I had to have her for my own. I had to make her my angel of music. And no one was going to stop me.

“WOW! That was amazing! And you said you couldn’t sing well!” Allison said. They started talking for a long time but I didn’t listen to them, I was only planning on how I was going to get Tori. I then I heard them walk out the door. I followed them as they walked around the opera house. I was guessing Meg’s daughter was showing Tori around because she seemed new to the opera house. Cause I never saw her dancing on the stage before or anywhere and that’s bad not knowing someone in MY OWN OPERA HOUSE. So I just toke it as she was new. Then they finally finished, and went to dinner but I still watched them so I could gain any information, because I haven’t talked to or seen Christine. In the end they both agreed so then they went back to their room and got ready for bed. I waited and watched I was waiting till Allison was asleep before I said anything to Tori but I knew she wasn’t asleep because she was breathing so heavy. A while later she said “Tori, can you sing me something so I could fall a sleep?” I HAVE to thank Meg twice for giving birth to this child who seems to read my mind. I wanted her so sing more and now I got it. Ok it seems like it is early Christmas already annd im LOVING IT! My thoughts were interrupted when Tori started to sing a song that I was also never going to forget.

Angel of Music!

Guide and guardian!

Grant to me your glory!

Angel of Music!

Hide no longer!

Come to me, strange angel...

That was all she had to sing for someone to fall asleep, she sang it so softly like a lullaby and you could easily drift to sleep, listening to that voice. I could tell Allison was now asleep because her breathing slowed down. Tori eventually got off of Allison’s bed and walked to hers, she crawled into her bed. Then I knew it was my chance, my chance to introduce myself to her.

Tori, Tori

Come to me angel of music

I knew she knew who I was because she suddenly tensed up and looked pale faced. So I tried to calm her down.

Do not worry, dear child, I am your angel of music, I will not harm you

And it seemed to work. She seemed to have felt as if I was someone she could trust so she relaxed.

Rest dear child! You need your sleep!

With those words she did as I commanded. She is MUCH easier to hipmitise then Christine. I hope she stays that way. With that in mind I left, with my new found information. And with it I had to write a few………notes.


well thanks for reading!! and im not gonna blab for long but please vote, comment, fan and what not.there is a picture of tori off to the side if you wanna check that out.......soooooooooo!!!!!!! BYE!!!


When One Is Lost Another Is Found!{ON HOLD}(Phantom Of The Opera Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now