Calm down.....You did the best you could!

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Chapter 7

Tori’s POV

I had to give in! You may have thought ‘oh! That was the last straw! Is she going to hurt her?!’ the answer is no. I'm not the ‘hurting’ type. If I get angry I wouldn’t punch someone! No! So I said,

“Fine! I’ll go get changed then I’ll be at her dressing room then I will do this 'Initiation’ thing!”  I turned around and I was starting to walk away when Maya said.

 “Wait!” so I turned back around to face them and said,

“What? I'm going to get ready!”

Maya faced Allison and said,

“Your roommates, right?” Allison nodded.

“Ok! So make sure she doesn’t try to weasel her way out of her Initiation! Got it?!” Allison nodded again.

“Good!” Maya said then faced me.

“You can bring a blanket and a pillow if you want. But trust me no one has been able to survive the night.” I was a little confused so I asked,

“So if I get scared and leave do I not get to be in the show?” I asked a little worried. If I couldn’t survive the night I didn’t want to not be in the show.

“No! You’re in the show!” I toke a sigh of relief.

“But! You must need to stay in the dressing room for at least 2o minutes! Or you are forfeiting and it doesn’t count as your initiation! Got it?” Maya stated. I nodded my head and me and Allison walked back to our room.

“I so sorry! I shouldn’t have mentioned! I should have been able to stop them! I feel so terrible! I am such a bad friend!” she said and I saw a tear fall down her face. It made me really sad, seeing her start to cry because she thinks I'm mad!

“Shh… its ok! I'm fine! I don’t mind having to do the initiation! It would have come up eventually; I would rather get it over with now then later! Shh… calm down!” I said trying to soothe her. We were in our room by now and sitting on my bed. More tears started to come down her face. I knew what would make her calm down so I started to sing a song mother used to sing to me to calm me down.

‘Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defenses

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Turn your face away from the garish light of day

Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night

Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams

Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before

Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar

And you live as you've never lived before

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you

Hear it, feel it secretly possess you

Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness that you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world

Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before

Let your soul take you where you long to be

Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication

Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation

Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in

To the power of the music that I write

The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night’

Then Allison seemed to have calmed down. She said,

“That is such a beautiful song! You also have such a great voice! You have seemed to have gotten better!” she then had a face as though she thought of a great idea! “You should try and be one of the leads! You could even beat Cecelia! She is really terrible! Why do they even keep her? She is like nails on a chalk board!  And a bag of rats squealing!” it seems if I'm ever in a bad or sad mood, Allison seems to somehow make me feel better. But she was right. Cecelia (our leading lady) is pretty terrible.

“Thanks but they won’t let me preform. They don’t know who I am. They don’t even know who my mother is. And you’re not going to tell them. Right?” Allison then nods her head.

“Good! Now let’s go and get ready for tonight. I just want to get it over with so I can be in the show.” I then got up and change into a night gown, it was white and it went down to my knees. The sleeves went up to my elbows. The neck line was a little low cut but nothing too bad. I then grabbed my white night robe. It had ruffles at the trimming, and it went all the way down to my ankles. It used to be my mothers, dear god I miss her so much! She used to wear it when she went to bed, here at the opera house. I also grabbed my pillow, and a blanket. Let’s just say I was planning on being the first person to withstand the night. I knew nothing was going to happen, the phantom is not alive. Of course he was real, I mean come on! He stole my mother, for crying out loud!  Then Allison toke me to my mother’s old dressing room. Outside waiting was Sydney, Maya, and Taylor. I then said in a very annoyed tone,

“Ok, can we get this stupid thing over with? I want to at least get a little sleep!”

“Ok, fine but I don’t think you’re going to get any sleep. The phantom will for sure get to you and you will be running out of the room in minutes.” Taylor said. Ughhhh! I just want to scream at them! But I calmed myself down. Allison then walked forward and opened the door with a key. Since she is Meg’s daughter it makes sense that she would have the keys to open the door. The door was wide opened, I then got very scared.


Hiya! I have just to say, that i am very happy that people are reading my story!!! Thank you everyone for commenting,voting, adding to librarys and whatnot!!! If you have any ideas on what to do next, i will gladly listen to them!!! just PM or comment below!!! thanks again, and i know the chapter is short but i did what i have. i have written the next few chapters its just i dont know if people like it so i have been uploading less. if you want me to upload more then just tell me cuz i have the next few chapters done so, yeh!! PLEASE comment, vote, follow, ummm....... what ever else!!! yeh!!! soooooo,


P.S.:Of to the side is the song that Tori sings to Allison!! :)


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