Is a book judged by its cover?

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Chapter 11

Is a disfigured book judged by its looks and not his writing?

Tori's POV

Meg brought me to her office. When we stepped through the door, she closed the door and locked it. She didn't hesitate to start asking questions.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" She asked with a very worried expression on her face.

"Yes I'm alright. Why would you think other wise? He didn't hurt me! He would never hurt me. Why would you say such a thing?"

"He forced you to go down to his lair. He is horrible. He hypnotized you to follow him, he lied about who he was, isn't that bad?" She asks.

"Yes those are bad but I can look past that. Do you just think of all the negatives about him and not the positives? You are ruling out all the positives and only thinking of the negatives. He is sweet, kind, caring, handsome-" before I could finished Meg stops me.

"Handsome?! Have you not seen that hideous face? It's distorted, deformed! You should never have to look upon a face as hideous and grotesque as his. His face is-" now I am the one to stop Meg.

"Hideous?! Grotesque?! Meg, you are just making him sound as a monster, which clearly he is not! He is a genius! He is amazing!" I say with adoration in my eyes.

"No, no you can't! You are in love with that monster! Are you not?" Meg exclaims.

"Indeed, I think I may have fallen." I say with a smile.

"No,no,no. You shall not be with him! I forbid you to ever see him again!" Meg yells to me.

"You can not do that! I am old enough to make my own decisions! You can not keep us apart!" I yell back.

"Can't you see?! He has hypnotized you! He has mesmerized you! It's fake it's not real! I'm only trying to protect you!" She yells back.

"It's real! I don't need your protection! I am perfectly able to take care of myself!" I say.

"But I am your guardian! And what I say goes! So I say you shan't see him ever again! You will marry a suitor! You have no say in it!" She yells at me. I can't hold it in any longer, so I burst into tears.

"Go to your room. If anyone asks I will tell them you are not feeling well. But if you dare sneak off to see Him you will be locked in your room for the rest of the year. Do you understand me?" She explains to me. I nod with tears still spilling out of my eyes. I leave and walk to my room. When I step through the door I burst into tears. I'm glad that Allison isn't there because I don't want her to question me.

How can she do this? How can she judge Erik by his looks? Thats like judging a book by its cover! If the book looks distorted does that mean the writing is even worse! No, it means you have to read the book before you state your opinion. I was going to be with Erik even if she doesn't like it! I am going to be with him because... because....I love him! I never said that aloud.

"I love him...." I whispered. I smiled.

"I love him!" I whisper yelled. I don't care if he did things that aren't good. I will give him a chance! I don't care if I barely know him! I love him! I was going to make sure that we weren't going to be separated. Never, were we going to be apart.

I wanted to run to Erik and tell him but Meg said I would get locked in my room if I saw him. So I decided that I wouldn't see him that day. But she never said anything about having voice lessons, and in voice lessons I don't see him but I hear him. I was still going to have voice lessons.

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