An Angel Offering..... Lessons?

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Chapter 4

Tori’s POV!

“Ughhhh!!! That was the most tiring rehearsal ever!” Allison complained. It has been two weeks since I arrived at the opera Populair.  We were still doing Hannibal, and Allison every single day complains ether about the dance or here costume. The costumes are like just a bra and underwear. There’s nothing to it! It shows our stomach and Allison doesn’t like to show her skin because of the stage hands. Also the dance, involves a lot of flexibility and we have to do it over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN. So pretty much every day she is ether complaining about that or the piece of fabric we call our costumes. Sometimes EVEN BOTH, if I am lucky! (Sarcastic) now she is going to keep on ranting about it until we go to bed. Which I think is soon because we had extra rehearsal today because the performance is soon.

“Oh come on. That wasn’t that hard!” I said. This was true. We only learned a little bit of dancing and we weren’t dancing a lot because we just learned it. I had a feeling that there was going to be much harder practices later on.

“Ughhhh! Whatever. I’m just tired and I want to go straight to bed after dinner.” Allison complained again!

“Fine. We can go back to the room after dinner!” I wasn’t going to fight with her even thought I wanted to walk around the opera house again with her and talk some more. But I was too tired to fight with her.

“Yay! I’m just so tired.” Allison said with a very happy expression on her face.

“If you’re done we can head off to bed now?” I stated. My plate was cleaned off completely Allison’s still had quite a bit of food left. I noticed she doesn’t eat much. She is normally quiet and eats little when we eat. I guess she doesn’t eat that much because she gets full fast.

“Sure! Let’s go!” Allison said while standing up and getting ready to go back to the room. Allison throws away the rest of her food and puts her plate where it would get cleaned. I did the same but there was no food left on my plate so I simply put it in the place so it could get washed. We walked to our room and when we got there Allison toke her key out to open the door. We both have keys but she always had hers ready and mine was always in the bottom of my pocket. So she always opens the door when we are walking back to our room together. This is normally all the time because I don’t hang out with the other dancers. She opened the door and we walked in and got into our sleepwear. I wore a nice nightgown that was white and the sleeves went down past my elbows. Then Allison hopped in her bed and she was out like a light after that. I had trouble falling asleep so I decided that I would go for a walk around the opera house. So I got up out of my bed and quietly grabbed a candle and a match and left the room without making too much noise. But I learned that Allison can sleep through an earthquake. I walked down the corridor to the stage and then quietly walked up the steps to the stage. I then was standing exactly were my mother stood as the prima donna of the opera house. I then started to hum ‘think of me’ to myself but then it soon became into full out singing. After I finished I heard a faint but strong ‘Brava, Brava, bravissima!’ I then became very scared and I started to breathe heavy. Whoever it was must have noticed because the then said ‘don’t be afraid my child. I am your angel of music! Please don’t be frightened ‘ma petite fleur’ you are safe with me.’ I then relaxed knowing it was not the phantom. Like I said last time I heard my angel, it was too soft, gentle, and kind to be him. It was sort of odd when he called me ‘his little flower’. But I soon got over it. Then I started to sing a song my mother sang to me as a lullaby, also the song I sang Allison the first night I was here.

‘Angel of Music,

Guide and guardian,

Grant to me your


Angel of Music,

Hide no longer.

Come to me, strange


He then said “ma petite fleur” which means ‘my little flower’ “I can help take your voice to extraordinary highs just like your mother did. Soon you will be the best opera singer in all of Paris, and then the world.”  I was happy but in shock. This strange angel is saying my voice could be the best in the world! He must be lying. But he seems very truthful. Well I don’t think I should turn down lessons anyway. I never toke voice lessons before, father and mother both said that with a powerful voice becomes powerful admirers. They let me take ballet just not singing, well anyway not going to turn down that offer.

“I would very much like that, but where would we have it? And when?” I stated. They were both two very important questions that needed to be answered.

“We will have them in the chapel. Do you know where that is?” he stated. I remember that me and Allison went there, but I haven’t gone there really but I can always ask Allison where it is and if she asks I will say that I want to pray for my mother and father.

“Yes I do.” I stated. “You will meet me there every day at 10 o’clock at night.” He said. 10 o’clock seems good! “Yes, Misère…..uh…..” I didn’t know his name! Uh-oh! “Erik. Call me Erik.” He said. Erik I thought. Nice name for an angel! “Yes misère Erik! I will see you tomorrow then?” I asked.

“Yes. Of course, bye ma petite fleur ‘til tomorrow.” He said and it seemed like he was leaving.

“Bye Misère Erik!” I said smiling. I then walked back to my room and crawled into bed but before I fell asleep I looked at the clock and saw it said ‘12 o’clock’ I was so shocked. I had been there for more than two hours! I was going to be VERY tired in the morning. Ughhhh!!! Well that’s going to be hard but it was VERY worth it. I would stay up every night till midnight if I could have voice lessons. I guess I'm going to be doing that anyway to see Misère Erik. He was so kind! He seemed as though I would say no to the offer, but if he knew how much I wanted to take lessons then he probably not worry a bit. I then drifted off to sleep very excited for tomorrow!


i would like to thank everyone who is reading. i would like to know, should i put a raoul like person who trys to take tori away from erik or should i not? what should the prima donna's name be?please if you have any suggestions i will take them! i will take critical comments! please comment,vote, uh....what ever else you guys do! keep on being phanatic!:)


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