Get Sporty-er!

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Y/n and Dawn walked over to their table. When they were close, the boys welcomed them with a round of applause.

"I know you're excited to see us." Dawn said when she and y/n reached the table.

"No applause necessary." Y/n added.

"It's not for you," Ricky said, "Tess, this is our sister Dawn. And that's our friend, y/n. Tess is new." He introduced the unknown girl that was standing next to Dawn.

"And wowsome. That's wow and awesome. I made it up." Dicky explained the new word he invented. He looked at Tess with a smirk on his face.

"Impossible." Nicky exclaimed while he was staring at a card. Y/n bent over to him to see what was on the card. It was just a regular King of Hearts, nothing special about it. She frowned.

"Hi. I see you've met my brothers." Dawn started, and bent over to Tess, "I'll distract them, you run for your life."

"Don't listen to her. We're funtastic." Dicky said, and Ricky nodded.

"You know what else is funtastic? Dawn's shirt and y/n's hair. Talk about wowsome." Tess complimented. Dawn and y/n exchanged a look.

"My words are catching on. I should publish a Dicky-tionary." Dicky said excitedly.

"Wow, the Harper Quadruplets and y/n are officially the coolest kids ever!" Tess cheered. Dawn and y/n exchanged looks again. Something about his girl didn't seem right to them.

"Isn't she great?" Ricky dreamed out loud as he leaned his head in his hand.

"Wait. What's this?" Tess suddenly said and bent over to Nicky. She reached behind his ear, pulling out a five-dollar bill.

"Inconceivable!" Nicky exclaimed, with his mouth and eyes widened.

"Five bucks for the candy machine. Hope everyone likes nutty fudge bombs." Tess said excitedly and walked away. She waved as she walked through the door. The boys all gasped as they watched her leave.

"She's perfect. . ." Ricky said.

"She's radcredible. . ." Dicky drooled.

"She's magic. . ." Nicky dreamed.

"She's got to go." Y/n and Dawn both said, with an annoyed tone in their voice. The boys looked at them, clearly confused. They didn't understand why they didn't like Tess. Dawn shrugged, and y/n angrily crossed her arms.

****Insert intro music****

Dawn and y/n were rushing into Tom's Get Sporty with the boys following them. They've been arguing about Tess all the way there.

"What are you talking about? Tess is perfect!" Ricky said. Y/n turned around.

"Too perfect. We're telling you, there's something up with that girl." She said, and Dawn nodded.

"Dawn also told me when I was four that a little man lived in my butt and cut my poops with a saw." Ricky defended, as Nicky, Dicky, and y/n started laughing.

"You were scared to go for like a month." Dicky said.

"I swear I could hear him sawing!"

"This is different than Poop-saw Man." Dawn said and started walking over to the cafe. The others followed.

"Yeah, she's fooling you guys." Y/n added. Dawn dropped her backpack and sat down on a chair.

"She's a total phony fake-face." She said.

"Ooh, I hate fake-faces! Who's the fake-face?" Josie joined in on their conversation as she was wiping the counter, "Is it that new girl in the camping section? 'Cause I'm always like, "Hi!" and she's always like-" Josie said, and did the exact same pose as a mannequin in the camping section.

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