This Little Piggy Went To The Harpers

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"The quality of the food really dips when Nicky goes away to cooking camp." Ricky said after a waitress gave him his sandwich.

He, Dicky, Mae, and y/n were in the cafe at Get Sporty, hanging out. Nicky had been gone for five days already, so that meant he was coming back in two days.

"Just two more days." Y/n mumbled under her breath. It was clear she was counting down the days until he'd come back, and ever clearer to Ricky and Dicky that she missed him.

"Dicky's brownie looks pretty good." Mae said and grabbed Dicky's brownie as the other three widened their eyes.

"Mae-" Y/n wanted to stop her friend, but she had already taken a bite.


"That's a grilled cheese." Dicky said with a disgusted look on his face.

Mae's face turned bad as well, as she nodded and put the extremely burnt grilled cheese back onto Dicky's plate.

"Yeah, it is."

As the three watched Mae spit the grilled cheese out, Dawn walked over to them. She was wearing her buffalo tracksuit since she just got back from soccer practice.

"Don't look now, but Nasty Nelly and her War Pig posse are over there."

"Where?" The four asked, and all exaggeratedly looked around the store.

"I said, "Don't look"." Dawn said annoyed as she turned her brothers' heads back to her. She angrily straightened her tracksuit. "Look at her."

"Where?" Ricky and Dicky asked again and turned back around to look for Nelly. But Dawn angrily turned their heads back around by their hair.

"I said, "Don't look"!"

"You also said, "Look"." Dicky defended, being a bit confused.

"You kinda did." Mae added, and y/n and Ricky nodded. Dawn sighed.

"I can't believe Nelly is showing her face around here after what she and her War Pigs did to us last year." Dawn said, and they all thought back to Mae and her mascot costume. The War Pigs had filled the head with pasta last year, which Mae didn't know. So when she put the costume on, her head was covered in pasta.

"I was pulling pasta out of my ears for weeks. I haven't eaten spaghetti since." Mae shuddered, clearly traumatized. But y/n shook her head.

"Such a shame."

Dawn looked to the side, and noticed the War Pigs walking over to them. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"War Pigs comin' our way."

"Nice cafe." Nelly said, and bent over to Mae. "Do you serve spaghetti in. . . ear?"

The four War Pigs laughed at Mae, and even Dicky laughed. Ricky punched his brother in his arm and y/n gave him an angry look, so he immediately stopped.

"What are you doing here, Nelly?" Dawn asked.

"Just wanted to let you Buffaloes know - in case you're planning on getting a little payback for last year - don't. The War Pigs are watching you." Nelly replied, speaking in a 'threatening' tone. Then, she and her three teammates snorted. "Let's go pigs." Nelly said, and they left.

"Wait." Dawn said and snapped her finger, "Payback for last year? That's a great idea!"

She sat down next to Mae on the couch, and y/n shook her head.

"No, it isn't." She said, and Dawn frowned at her, "Look, I'm all for revenge, but this could get out of hand. You know, big school fights and all?"

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad. We're just gonna get payback for what happened to Mae." Dawn replied.

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