The Buffa-Lowdown

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"All right everybody, have a good show." Ricky said.

Y/n flashed Nicky a smile when Ricky started to count to one for the show to begin.

Ricky was the director of their morning show at school; The Edgewood Buffa-Lowdown. They were doing this as a class project, and everything had gone well so far. Y/n was in charge of sound, making sure every little transition song and sound effect came through on time. And so, everyone had their own roles.

Dawn and Mae were the hosts, and they were doing a great job. First, Mae reminded everyone that it was Parents Pitch In Week, which meant that some kids would see their parents around school, helping to clean up. After that, Dawn talked about the seventh-grade dance that was taking place this Saturday. She was reminding everyone that tickets were still available, if you hadn't bought them already.

Y/n had bought her ticket, but the person she wanted to go with hadn't asked her anything yet. She didn't expect a big dance-posal, which was a thing everyone apparently did now. That was kind of impossible if you were trying to keep your relationship a secret.

But still, Nicky hadn't asked her that one simple question. She had considered asking him herself a few times, but every time she was about to, something interrupted her or made sure she couldn't. It was quite frustrating.

The screen switched to the camera in the hallway, to catch up with Dicky, whose part of the morning announcements was the Haps in the Halls. But, to no one's surprise, he was flirting with some girl when the camera switched to him. When he realized he was on, he talked a bit about dance-posals. He even asked his parents about it, who were helping at the school as janitors.

And then it was time for the Lowdown on Lunch. That was Nicky's part of the show. He was dressed in his chef's outfit, and explained what was on the menu today. He ended it with the same advice he gave every show; pack your own lunch.

And then, it switched to Avery. She pointed out all the birthdays at their school for the day. When she was done, it cut back to Dawn and Mae, who set off the best part of the show: The Shelly Cam. It was live footage of the hallway, seen from Shelly - the Principal's tortoise's - perspective.

"Well, that's all for today." Dawn said, "This has been the Edgewood. . ."

"Buffa-Lowdown!" She and Mae said in unison, pointing at the camera.

And then, y/n pressed some buttons, making sure the outro was timed perfectly.

"Cut! That's a wrap. Nice work people." Ricky complimented, and the Principal laughed and applauded.

"Oh, I just love that Shelly-Cam." He said excitedly.

Then, he said some things to Ricky, which y/n couldn't hear. She sighed and stood up from her chair. She liked doing the show, but it was also exhausting sometimes. Definitely, because the Principal seemed to only have eyes for Shelly.

She walked over to Nicky, who smiled at her when she stood beside him.

"Anyway, as your substitute A/V teacher, I am very happy with how your project is going." Principal Tarian complimented. "Keep it up, and you'll be more than just the morning team. You'll be the A-team, as in, your grade in this class will be an A."

"Sweet!" Nicky cheered, and he and y/n high-fived each other.

"My first non-gymclass A!" Dicky cheered.

"And before you go everyone, as your A-team leader, I'd like to make just one teeny tiny tweak." Ricky said, and walked over to the hosts' table. He slammed on it with his hand, "Mae, you're fired!"

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