Quadshank Redemption

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Sorry guys, I know it's very disappointing that this is not a Halloween special. I realized too late that Halloween fell on the day of my uploading schedule :(

Buuuuut I did try to make this chapter fun, so enjoy!
(I will probably do a Christmas special, so let me know if there's anything you really want to see in that chapter!)

Happy Halloween everyone :)


Y/n was at her locker, trying to find her lunch. She was sure she brought it with her, but she couldn't find it anywhere. And she was really hungry.

"Ciao, y/n." She suddenly heard a voice behind her, so she turned around. It was Johnny, a.k.a. Johnny Meatballs, as everyone called him. He was walking by, and apparently decided to greet her. Y/n smiled.

"Ciao, Johnny." She replied, and he smiled back, continuing his walk through the hallway.

Right when y/n went back to search for her lunch, she heard another voice calling her name.

"Y/n!" Nicky called as he ran up to his girlfriend. Y/n pulled her head out of her locker again and looked up at him. He had a very excited expression on his face, and he was holding a flyer. "Guess what they're having at the carnival?"

"What is it?" Y/n asked, smiling. She couldn't help it, Nicky being excited over something was one of her favorite things to see.

"They'll have a Deep Fry Anything booth!" Nicky revealed excitedly, "We can deep-fry anything! Pizzas, fries, vegetables, sunglasses. . . ANYTHING!"

But instead of being excited about this just like Nicky was, y/n groaned. It made Nicky frown.

"What'd you groan for?"

"I mean, do we really need to deep-fry everything?" Y/n asked, rolling her eyes. Then, she chuckled as she shook her head and looked back at her locker, "Why would we do that?"

Nicky pressed his lips together and sighed.

"You know what? Thirty seconds ago, I was around that corner thinking, "Man, when I tell my girlfriend about this Deep-Fry booth, she's gonna be just as excited as I am". But you know what? Just like that time I found a practically unused spatula in the woods, you ruined this as well." He said angrily. Y/n frowned, thinking back to that.

"It had blood on it." She replied, still freaked out about it.

"I could've been sauce!" Nicky yelled at her, which made her widen her eyes. Why was he so angry all of a sudden?

"Well, sorry I'm not reacting to this news with appropriate excitement, but I'm really hungry." Y/n replied, explaining her reaction. "I can't find my lunch, and you talking about Deep-Fry booths is making my hunger worse."

"Fine, maybe my siblings will be excited." Nicky said annoyed and walked away. He left y/n with a frown.

But about a second after he left, he returned with an apple in his hand. He handed it to y/n.

"Here." He said, but it didn't sound very friendly.

Y/n took the apple from him and wanted to say thank you, but Nicky had already stormed off again. So instead, she chuckled and shook her head, and closed her locker.

****Insert Intro Music****

"You got detention?!" Y/n yelled through the hallway, after the Quads told her what had happened.

Apparently, after Nicky gave y/n the apple and walked away, he went to his siblings to tell them about the deep-fry booth. But just like y/n, they weren't as excited as Nicky hoped they'd be. And then, Principal Tarian passed them and dropped a box full of tickets, right next to them. As any kid would do, the Quads took the tickets and were arguing about taking them or giving them back. When Principal Tarian caught them, he gave them detention. On Saturday, the day of the carnival.

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