What They Said About Us

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To understand this chapter you HAVE to have read the last chapter, What They'll Say About Us!

Anyways, enjoy this rollercoaster. . . .


Mamma mia. . . I really shouldn't go after her.

Y/n closed her eyes and hugged Nicky tighter. He was definitely right, she should NOT go after Dawn. After thinking about what would happen if she did, she was certain that wasn't a good idea. It would only make things worse, and possibly result in the end of either her friendship with Dawn, or her relationship with Nicky.

And so, she decided that for once in her life, she wasn't going to be stubborn. As much as she wanted to follow Dawn and confront her, she knew she shouldn't.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Nicky said, letting go of the hug a little. "She'll come around. She just needs to. . . process this."

"I hope you're right." Y/n replied, softly smiling at Nicky. But that smile didn't fool Nicky for a second. He knew she was scared.

And he was too.

****Insert Intro Music****

(If you don't know what's going on, open the comments here and read my explanation :) )

Half of the school day passed, without a word from Dawn. Mae, Miles, and literally all their other friends asked about the dance-posal, whereafter Nicky and y/n honestly, and proudly, announced they were together.

But still, it bothered both Nicky and y/n that Dawn wasn't talking to them. It was hurtful. She was important to both of them, so to have her act like this wasn't what they wanted.

"Y/n!" Dicky called from the other end of the hallway, and caught up with his best friend. Y/n was frowning at him, since whatever he called for seemed to be important.

"Yeah?" She asked when he reached her. She laughed at Dicky for being a little out of breath from running all the way over to her.

"I just wanted to say I'm hyped for that new game we're going to play after school. Kidney Punch: The Video Game." Dicky explained. "I claim Jett Masterson's character."

"You ran all the way here just to say that?" Y/n questioned.

"Duh! It's very important." Dicky replied and shrugged. Y/n laughed and shook her head.

She and the Ickys had planned this hang-out about a week ago when they found out the game would come out in a few days. It came out yesterday, and the Ickys immediately ordered it. It would be delivered today, and the four had planned to play it all afternoon.

But when y/n saw Dawn pass by, who was looking the other way, the smile she had on her face faded away.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go over to the Harpers' house. Dawn was definitely going to be there, which meant y/n either had to confront her, or she would be confronted with the fact her friend was ignoring her.

All she wanted was to forget about that for a bit, and stay away from any possible action that could set her whole doom scenario in motion.

"You okay?" Dicky asked after a while of silence from y/n. He noticed her facial expression had turned a bit sad.

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts because of Dicky's words and flashed him a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She said, "I, uh, I just. . . remembered I have somewhere to be this afternoon. You know, restaurant stuff." She quickly made up, causing Dicky's face to turn sad. "So, I don't think I can hang out today."

What They'll Say About Us // Nicky Harper x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now