The Secret

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"Hi, Tom." Y/n greeted as she walked into the Harpers' house with the quads.

"Nothing!" Tom replied. They all frowned.

"What's in your hand?" Dawn asked. Tom scoffed.

"Like I said, nothing." Tom said and showed his left hand to the kids.

"What about the other hand?" Dicky asked as everyone except Nicky crossed their arms because he was closing the door. Tom put his left hand behind his back, showed his right hand, and cleared his throat.


"I'm sold." Dicky replied.

"Let's see both hands." Dawn said, and the others nodded. Tom cleared his throat again and then showed the kids both his hands. But his palms were facing him, so the kids couldn't see what was in his hands.

"Hey, Dad, jazz hands!" Nicky said, and so Tom did. A fish slipped out of his hand and landed right on Dawn. They all screamed.

"Aah! Jazz hands! I always fall for jazz hands." Tom complained.

"Goldie?" Dawn asked as she looked at the dead fish that was now on the floor.

"Uh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Tom walked over to the side of the room and grabbed a bag that was hidden behind some pillows. "This is Goldie." He said and showed the kids a bag with a fish inside.

"Why is he in a bag?" Dawn asked.

"I was just taking him for a walk." Tom replied. "He likes to see the koi pond at the mall."

"Dad." Dawn said. It was clear she didn't believe him.

"Okay, I like to see the koi pond at the mall."


Tom sighed, "Fine." He walked over to Dawn and put his hand on her shoulder, "Listen, sweetie, I have to tell you something. Goldie swam his last lap, kiddo. And I didn't want to upset you, so I was just trying to replace him before you got home."

"So, Goldie's really gone?" Dawn asked sadly.

"I forget. Is this Goldie number seven or Goldie number eight?" Dicky asked. Nicky, Ricky, and y/n hit him lightly with their hands and elbows.

"W-w-wait. Goldie's been gone before? Seven times?" Dawn asked.

"Oh, right. We're not supposed to tell Dawn about all the fish that we flushed." Dicky said. Y/n sighed deeply.

"W-w-w-wait." Dawn said and walked over to them. "You guys all knew about this? Even y/n?"

"Yeah. . ." Y/n replied.

"Since when?" Dawn asked.

"Since Goldie number three." Ricky answered.

"Remember her?" Nicky asked, and they all sighed, thinking back of that fish.

"I cannot believe you guys. How could you keep this a secret from me?" Dawn said angrily, and walked away.

"'Cause we didn't want you to feel bad." Nicky said, raising his voice, so Dawn could still hear him.

"And now you feel bad. So we were right." Dicky added. Nicky, Ricky, and y/n angrily looked at him again, and y/n bumped her elbow into his arm.

"At least we have Goldie number eight, who'll live forever!" Tom yelled.

"Uh, Tom. . ." Y/n said as Ricky walked over to him.

"We've got a floater." He said and pointed at the bag. Tom raised it and gasped.

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