The Mighty Quad Squad

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The five kids were at Get Sporty, sitting at a table. A bunch of kids were playing around, pretending to have superpowers.

"Aw, look at the kids, all excited for Get Sporty's first superhero birthday party." Dawn said.

"Aw, so cute. They actually wish they had superpowers." Y/n added, and the others nodded.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Dicky asked.

"Yeah, I totally wish I had superpowers." She replied.

"Yeah." Nicky said.

"Me too." Dawn added and Ricky nodded.

"If I was a superhero, I'd be all jacked with super strength." Dicky said and nodded his head.

"If I was a superhero, I'd have super speed." Dawn said.

"My superpower would be to fly." Nicky added.

"My superpower would be to (y/f/s)." Y/n said.
(Your favorite superpower)

"I'd be able to manipulate people with my mind." Ricky said, and they all imagined him forcing them to hit themselves.

"Anyone else thinks superhero Ricky is a jerk?" Dicky asked, and everyone but Ricky raised their hand immediately. Ricky shrugged.

Anne walked over to the other kids, carrying a present in her hand. She gasped.

"Oh my goodness. Are you all here for the party?" She asked them.


"Wow, there are so many of you. How will I host all by myself? Help! Heeeeeelp!"

Fog appeared as Anne was exaggeratedly screaming for help like a damsel in distress. Tom, wearing a super-suit, appeared on the stairs and waved some of the fog away.

"Have no fear, lady citizen! I'll make sure that birthday boy Stevie and all his friends have the most fun EVER, because I am the amazing Sporty Man!"

Tom posed, and everyone cheered and applauded.

He wanted to walk down the stairs, but he stood on his cape, causing him to fall down, face-first onto the table with gifts. He grunted and lifted his upper body off the floor slowly.

"Sporty Man down."

The five kids at the table all watched it happen with widened eyes.

"Anybody else see that coming?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah." Dawn answered.

"Totally." Nicky added.

"100%" Y/n replied.

"I'm just glad Dad wasn't here to see it." Dicky said. The others looked at him with a frown.

"Tom, are you okay?" Anne asked, kneeling down next to him to help him up.

"Oh, my ankle!" He whined. But then he went back to his character, "No matter."

He stood up and tried to walk, but the pain was too much for him.

"Oh, that's my other ankle!"

"Stevie, if your party doesn't pick up, I'm taking my present back." One of the guests said to Stevie. He sadly looked at the ground.

"Okay, everybody, why don't we head into the party room?" Anne suggested and picked up a big present. She laughed in a weird, forced way as she passed the Squad, looking them all in the eye.

"Guys, we need to save this party." Dawn said when Anne was out of sight.

"But Mom just said she could handle it. She laughed and everything." Dicky replied.

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