A/N: I'm back (sort of)

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Hello everyone, it's been a while (like 3 months or so oopssss)

So lemme explain why I kind of disappeared. .

A lot has been going on, but the biggest reason for it is that I'm in my last year of high school and I had a lot of important exams and assignments, so I was VERY busy with that. Usually, when I have tests, I somehow still find the time to write, but this year I've been struggling with that, as much as I did want to write. Besides this, there are some personal things that caused a bit of a writer's block. There is one chapter that I finished in like December and I, for some reason, could not get myself to read and check the entire thing to make it ready for publishing. I seriously do not know why, but here we are.

So anyways, point is that I'm going to try to be a bit more active again, however this will probably not last long since my actual exams are in a month and I'm gonna have to start studying for that. With this message, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm NOT abandoning this story, I promise (I love to write this story and I will not give up!) but it is sometimes difficult to find the time to write, so my "new chapter every Monday" thing is long dead and is a very unreachable goal for me at the moment. I'll just post a new chapter randomly! (obviously after my exams, I could possibly go back to the new chapter once a week thing but we'll see).

Lastly I want to thank you all for all your support while I was gone! I have over 99+ notifications with most of them being comments and votes so thank you sooooo much for that! You are all amazing and I love you ❤️✨️

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