Unhappy Campers

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"Camp Bear Claw, here we come!" Ricky said excitedly as he and his brothers were walking down the stairs.

"Ribbit. Ribbit." Dicky said, making the wrong sound while imitating a bear with his hands.

"What sound is that?" Nicky asked confused.

"The sound a bear makes. Duh." Dicky explained.

"No, a bear goes grrr." Y/n said, who was leaning against the wall. She had come in earlier with Damiano and watched the boys walk downstairs.

"Yeah, if the bear sounds like an elephant." Dicky replied, and y/n shook her head lightly.

"Cosa c'è che non va in lui?" (What's wrong with him?) Damiano asked y/n. She crossed her arms and laughed.

"Molte cose." (A lot) She replied, and Damiano laughed as well.

"You know, I'm gonna be glad when you guys are away. It'll be so quiet." He said. Y/n turned to him and sighed.

"Gee, I swear my bag wasn't this heavy last night." Dawn complained as she dragged her bag downstairs.

"Aw, chicks. Always overpacking." Dicky said, and the boys laughed. Y/n walked over to Dawn as Dawn lifted her bag on the couch.

"I'm sure Dawn's bag is filled with things that don't even belong to her." Y/n said and stood next to Dawn with crossed arms.

"What do you mean?" Dawn asked and frowned.

"Do you really not know your brothers?" She replied and sighed, "Just open it up."

Dawn unzipped her bag and pulled out an astronomy book.

"Wait a minute. What's this astronomy book doing in my bag? Ricky?"

"I have a perfectly good explanation," Ricky said and stepped forward, putting his hands in his sides. "I ran out of room in mine. That is all."

"Ugh!" Dawn exclaimed and handed Ricky the book. She turned around and reached back into her bag. "And what's this? "Rugged Mud"?" She asked confused, as she was looking at a jar with dirt in it.

"Careful. That's my jar of dirt." Dicky said and took it from Dawn. She and y/n frowned.

"I'm pretty sure they have dirt at camp." Y/n said.

"But this stuff is pure. It's never been on the ground, and it's going from this jar to my face." Dicky explained.

"Why would you want to look dirty?" Ricky asked.

"'Cause girls dig rugged dudes. The dirtier the flirtier."

Dawn reached back into her bag and pulled out a little red bag. She turned to the boys and sighed.

"Nicky, you're already wearing a first-aid kit." She said, and they all looked at him.

"Yeah, and that's my second-aid kit." Nicky joked. Dawn wanted to throw it at him, but y/n took it from her before she could. She walked over to Nicky and gave it to him with a smile.

"The only thing of mine you guys left in my bag is one shoe." Dawn said, holding up a flip-flop. "How am I supposed to flip without a flop?"

"Well, it can't be done." Dicky said, "Which means now there's more room for my underwear."

"No way." Dawn said disgustedly.

"You didn't pack underwear?" Damiano asked.

"I was just gonna wear Nicky's." Dicky replied. Nicky's eyes widened.

"You're not wearing mine." He said.

"Or mine." Ricky said, answering Dicky before he even asked. Dicky sighed.

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