Take the Money and Run

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Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and y/n were sitting on beanbag chairs at Get Sporty. They were playing a video game.

"Oh, excuse me, guys. I'm just trying to clean." Dawn said, but none of them heard her. They were too focused on their game. She tried to wipe the table that Dicky had his feet on, but he wouldn't move. "Hey, can you just stop playing for one second?"

"Sure." Dicky said and looked at her.

"One." Ricky said.

"Done." Nicky and y/n added in unison. Then, they all went back to their game. Dawn sighed and lifted Dicky's feet herself so she could wipe the table.

"You know, I'm not complaining or anything, and please don't stop," Josie said as she walked over to Dawn who was now cleaning the table under Ricky's feet, "But why are you doing all my work?"

"Can't a kid pitch in once in a while without being up to something?" She replied, and cleaned the table under Nicky's feet. She then moved on to y/n.

"Whenever you're up to something, you answer questions with questions." Josie said, crossing her arms. Dawn put y/n's feet back on the table and looked at Josie.

"Do I? Is that what I do?" She asked. "Don't answer that." She said after Josie gave her a look, and led her to the side, so they could talk.

"Do you know what Dawn's up to?" Nicky asked y/n, keeping his eyes on the game.

"Yeah, she wants to get a ticket to that Fan Fest." She answered.

"Didn't you want to go as well?" Nicky asked. Y/n smiled.

"Yeah, I already have a ticket. Got it for my birthday last week, remember?" She answered.

"Oh, right." Nicky replied.

"How does it feel to finally be ten, too?" Dicky cut in. Y/n laughed.

"I don't feel any different." She said, "I've always been more mature than you."

"That's not true!" Dicky said and looked up from his game. Y/n looked up from her game too and stuck her tongue out to him.

"Guys, the potatoes!" Ricky yelled. They all gasped and went back to their games.

"Hey, kids, does this look straight?" Tom asked.

"Great." Y/n said.

"Perfect." Nicky replied.

"Love it." Ricky said.

"You the man." Dicky added. But they didn't even look.

"Can you at least face this direction?" Tom asked. He was getting a bit annoyed by the kids only caring about their video game. The kids turned around to face Tom, but they kept their eyes on the game.



"Love it."

"You the man." They repeated and sat back in their chairs. Tom sighed.

****Insert intro music****

Tom sighed and looked at the children. He then started taking their devices from them one by one.


"What are you doing?"

"Come on!"

"Why?" Y/n whined.

"All you kids ever do is sit around playing video games." Tom said and put the devices away. "You need to get off your butts. Get some exercise!"

"We're exercising right now!" Nicky said, "That game gives our finger muscles an excellent workout." The others nodded.

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