Chapter 6

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Evan's POV

She looks at me with a puzzled look on her face. "You mean... the Connor Murphy?" she asks.

"Kind of," I say in response, wringing my hands.

She lets out an audible sigh of disappointment, and I can tell I'm about to receive a mini lecture on why he's a "bad influence" or whatever. He's really not, though. The people who think he's a bad person just don't know him. That being said, he's still the same guy who made yesterday a living hell for me.

"Now, Evan," she starts in a lecture-y tone, "you and I both know that may not be the best idea. I've heard some questionable things about him, needless to say."

It's sweet how nicely she's trying to phrase things, but it still comes across as pretty judgmental towards Connor.

There are a few ways I could approach this conversation, but I decide to go with the strategy of defending him.

"He's really not that bad, Mom, once you get to know him. Then again, I don't really know him know him. I just kinda officially met him today, but he actually seems really..." I get stuck here.

Nice? No, that's not right. Sweet? Definitely not. Friendly? I don't think so.

"He seems like a good guy, okay?" I finally say. "I know people talk about him like he's not, but those people are wrong." I can't believe I'm actually sticking up for Connor of all people and doing a good job at it.

"Honey," she starts in the same concerned tone, "I'm just worried you'll end up hurt. I don't want to constantly feel the need to watch over you, y'know."

"You don't need to 'watch over' me, though. H-he's not a bad person, Mom," I say starting to lose my confidence.

"Just do me a favor and please stop hanging out with that boy," she pleads. "The last thing I need is for you to go down the wrong path."

I decide to just lie my way out of it. So much for honesty.

"Okay, sure. I guess so," I say knowing damn well I wasn't gonna let this opportunity of making a new friend go.

She lets out a sigh of relief and wraps her arms around me. "Thank you, sweetheart. You know I'm just looking out for you."


Connor's POV

By the time I make it home after dropping Evan off, my dad's car is in the driveway. I roll my eyes in frustration and grudgingly pull in behind his car, purposely blocking him in knowing it'll piss him off when he tries to leave for work tomorrow morning. I smirk to myself, feeling accomplished, before heading inside.

I walk through the door with phone in hand, shooting life-is-meh a message.

cancer.sticks: here's the update you asked for

cancer.sticks: it was

cancer.sticks: interesting

I attempt to make it to my room before anyone interrupts me, but, of course, I never get my way.

"How'd your little date go?" Zoe teased.

"Like I would ever date someone like him," I scoff back, trying to push past her.

"I bet you would, though," she continues to pester. "I have a feeling you have a thing going with Evan."

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