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Chapter Four: Wild

Chapter Four: Wild__

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Because of how stubborn Peter was, he took it upon himself to row the canoe with no help, over blue crystal clear water.

In the front of said canoe was
Trumpkin, behind him Susan and Lucy, then Peter, Gianna right across, and Edmund sat besides Marina for them to steer.

Observing the area surrounding them, a forest with rocky green cliffs, Lucy noticed something different about the trees in Narnia.

"They're so still."

Trumpkin looked away from them and around "They're trees." He pointed out the obvious. "What'd you except?" He asked.

Instead of feeling intimidated, Lucy just looked at him and said "They use to dance."

"Dance?" Gianna questioned to mainly herself but out loud for all to hear.

Trumpkin noticed a bit of guilt in Lucy's eyes and had to look away "Wasn't long after you left that the Telemarines invaded."

Remembering the folklore "Those who survived retreated to the woods. And the trees, they retreated so deeply into themselves that they haven't been heard from since."

With her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, Gianna asked mainly the siblings but also Trumpkin "I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen to his and your people?"

Peter shrugged "I don't know. Probably disappeared along with us." He looked down to the floor of the boat in shame.

"Aslan?" Trumpkin began "Thought he abandoned us when you lot did."

There was clear annoyance and anger in voice which made Peter inform him and the two. "We didn't mean to leave, you know."

Trumpkin bitterly replied with "Makes no doubt now, does it?" "Get us to the Narnians and it will." Peter confidently told him.


The group approached land and when Trumpkin docked them, Lucy was out first while the rest helped pull the boat out of the water.

After three pulls the canoe still wasn't out of the water. "What is the matter with this?" Susan whined a little, her voice sounding strained.

"Wait." Everyone stopped to hear what Gianna had to say. "We're hitting a rock." She enlightened them before quickly going to either push or pull it out of the way.

Lucy was walking forward and spotted a bear drinking from the water.

"Hi there." Lucy greeted kindly causing all to turn and see what or who she spoke to.

The animal grunted at her before standing on its hind legs. "It's all right." She spoke to it "We're friends."

It went back on all fours and grunted once more.

Quickly Gianna grabbed Marina by her arm and pulled her close. "What is she doing?"

Trumpkin finally noticed what was happening after hearing that and warned "Don't move, your majesty."

Only for less than a second, Lucy turned away from the animal, standing a mere fifteen feet away, and was going to tell everyone there was no need to worry.

But this allowed the bear to begin and sprint at full speed towards her.

"Stay away from her!" Susan ordered while loading an arrow ready to shot if it did not listen. "Damn it." Marina realized that she along with Peter, Gianna, and Edmund left their swords in the canoe.

"Shoot, Susan!" "Shoot!" Her brothers advised when Lucy fell to the floor and the bear was quickly approaching.

It stood in front of her, bared its teeth and ready to attack, until an arrow hit it square in the heart. Trumpkin was the one who shot it with the crossbow the guards left behind.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan pondered, lowering her bow. "I suspect he was hungry." Gianna said before kissing the top of her sisters head.

Peter helped Lucy up on her feet and pulled her into a tight hug while Edmund had his sword drawn and pointing it at the creature.

Trumpkin poked the animal to see if it was still living but luckily it didn't move.

After calming down, Lucy thanked Trumpkin who was shocked to hear that.

"He was wild." Edmund was still in disbelief at what just accrued to them. "I don't think he could talk at all." Peter added.

Marina raised an eyebrow "Could they all that time ago?" Lucy nodded her head "Yes. We made friends with many different animals that could speak."

Still examining the dead body he educated them "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that what you become." He turned and added "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

Then he proceeded to open up the bear so Peter and Gianna covered the young girl's eyes. "Well these Telmarines sound horrible." She squeezed Marina closer to her.


Again, Peter being Peter, he took command over the group and lead them through the forest.

"I don't remember this way." Susan told her older brother. "Why isn't Trumpkin leading then?" Gianna questioned with the rest silently agreeing.

"That's the problem with you girls." He turned around but continuing to walk "You can't carry a map in your heads." He began to chuckle but stopped when getting glares from Susan, Gianna, and Marina.

"That's because our heads have something in them." Lucy shot back. "Ouch, Peter. Did that knife stab hurt?" Marina high fived Lucy who was holding back cheers.

There was a beat of silence before Lucy turned to her sister "I wish he'd just listen to the DLF in the first place." "Then we wouldn't be lost." Marina murmured in a whisper tone that everyone heard.

Edmund cocked an eyebrow "DLF?" He questioned, ignoring Marina.

"Dear little friend." Lucy informed her brother which caused Gianna and Edmund to stop walking.

"Oh, that's not at all patronizing, is it?" Trumpkin knew that the girls didn't mean no harm so he wasn't as insulted.

No one spoke another word until they ended up in the middle of a open sky cave.

Feeling everyone's doubt rise, Peter informed them. "I'm not lost." He said.

"No." Trumpkin began "You're just going the wrong way."

Jumping on top of a bolder, Peter told the man "You last saw Caspian at the shuddering woods and the quicker way there is to cross at the river rush."

By the sidelines all watched the two argue as Peter told him he was "mistaken".


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