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Chapter Eight: Perfect

Chapter Eight: Perfect__

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That very night the troops moved out to attack Miraz and left Lucy, Marina, and Gianna at Aslans How.

An hour after they left, Lucy finished her supper and headed towards the Stone Table. To her shock when she walked in "Oh hi, Lucy." Gianna greeted as her hands continued to brush Marina's tangled hair.

Since the incident with Peter, Lucy's been avoiding Gianna, feeling bad about what he said.

"What are you doing?" She questioned her as tears brimmed the young sister's eyes from how hard she brushed.

"Someone got impatient, undid her braids in the worst possible way, and she has knots." Gianna then added "And I stole your hairbrush, I hope that's okay."

When she didn't reply, the princess glanced towards her and saw guilt written all over her features. "I'm not upset at you, Lucy." Gianna told her.

Curious "What about Peter?" "Oh I am furious with him but not at you." She clarified before putting the hairbrush down to begin Marina's braid.

"Well...that's good at least." Lucy said in a optimistic voice "He deserves it every bit of the anger he's caused you."

It was so shocking to hear that, Gianna stared at Lucy. Everyone earlier assumed she was sad about the incident. All except Lucy apparently.

Marina wagged her finger "I would not, thank you very much." The three of them laughed and spoke about Narnia and in more detail about how they ended up there.

By the time Lucy finished her version, Gianna was finished with Marina's braid that got wrapped into a bun. And she was also done with a simple fishtail braid for the other young girl.

"Tell me more about the two of you." She asked of them while laying against the table with Marina.

Gianna puckered her lips as she thought "Other than speaking another language..." Her eyes were fixated on the floor.

Nothing good seemed to come to mind initially. So she let her thoughts lose and spoke honestly. "Ever since I can remember, the King and Queen wanted me to be perfect. My Spanish, edict, manners..." Gianna listed off, ending with a dry laugh. And continued "Even dancing perfectly just to not embarrass our family. Not to mention be so mute towards potential suitors." Finally her eyes blinked causing tears to be pushed back.

"And I never was." Marina also spoke truthfully. "Perfect I mean. Mum and dad didn't care if I took fencing, even if I was extremely good at it. All they really cared about was me not dying. Or something stupid." Her and Lucy's eyes started to get heavy.

The princess let Lucy's head fall on her shoulder before placing hers gently on top. And the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

A sense of pride washed over Gianna at the two, happy to have distracted them enough to be able and sleep peacefully.

But a sting of fear hit her heart as she remembered what the point of distracting them was.

She placed a hand over her heart as tear rolled down from the corner of her eye and down the side of her face. "Oh Aslan." Gianna said in a whisper "I pray for their safe return."


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