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Chapter Thirteen: As Will The Two Of You

Chapter Thirteen: As Will The Two Of You__

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Neither one of the girls would have guessed what was happening at the How.

Miraz being killed by Lord Sopespian, him blaming the Narnians...But they couldn't think about that.

At the moment it was important to just keep going forward and find Aslan, as soon as possible.

When an arrow flew over both of their heads and into a near by tree, it alerted the girls that they were being followed by one more soilder.

"Keep going!" Gianna encouraged Destrier and hastily petting the side of its head.

The soilder shot another arrow towards Lucy but she ducked her head down. But by doing this she witnessed as Aslan was running alongside them.

"Look!" Lucy tapped Gianna's shoulder to turn her around and show when he jumped in front of their path.

He let out a load roar towards the Telemarine, scaring not only him but the horses. Destrier got so frightened, it caused both girls to fall right onto the floor.

Then when he jumped on the Telemarine, Gianna and Lucy turned away, fearing he was going to kill the man.

But instead it was to scare him into running away and leaving them alone.


Earlier, when Caspian and Marina road up to Peter and Miraz's duel, he asked for a quick break.

"What happened?" Susan asked demanding her to answer immediately when the horse road up.

"We had to separate." She assured as Edmund helped her off the horse "Don't worry, Gianna is still with her. They will be just fine."

Because she was pushed into the rock, the side of her stomach was aching and Edmund noticed how she held it. "Will you be all right?" He asked. "Yes. Don't worry."

She looked at Peter who was sweaty and all bruised up. "Wow. You look horrible." Marina spoke truthfully without thinking much of it.

He replied back with no hesitation "You as well."


"Aslan!" Lucy got up and ran with open arms towards lion. The two shared a hug so strong, she knocked Aslan to his side, causing him to chuckle in delight.

"I knew it was you. The whole time, I knew it." Lucy spoke against Aslan's fur. "But the others didn't believe me. Well except Marina and Gianna, of course."

On accident, Gianna stepped on a branch that interrupted the moment between them.

"Oh, Aslan, look!" Lucy stood up and rushed to grab Gianna by the hand and bring her towards the lion.

"This is my new friend Gianna. I'm also friends with her younger sister Marina." She introduced the two.

Gianna bowed to the lion in respect and he did the same.

"Pleasure to meet you, Princess Gianna." She stood back up right and thanked him. "You as well, Aslan. I've heard nothing but greatness about you, sir."

Continuing on with what Lucy said, Aslan asked "And why would that stop you from coming?"

She looked down at the floor and admitted "I'm sorry. I was too scared to come alone." Lucy turned around and looked at Gianna who stared in awe of Aslan. "But I didn't in the end." She heard what the young girl said and the two shared a sweet smile.


Meanwhile back at the How, Marina was violently grabbed by her hair and pulled down to the floor by a Telemarine. "Ow!" She shrieked in pain.

Hearing her shout "Get off of her!" Edmund stabbed the soilder in his hand to let her.

After Edmund helped her off the floor, Marina noticed how the same soilder was about to stab Edmund. She quickly pushed him out of the way and got underneath it to stab the man in his chest.


Now Gianna was able to ask a rather important question to Aslan."Why did you bring my sister and I, here?" She asked. The three of them were now sitting on the floor across one another.

"There's a reason for all." He began "And you'll see soon enough within time." Although she didn't really understand what that meant, Gianna trusted Aslan and his words.

Next Lucy asked "Why didn't you show yourself? Why didn't you come roaring in and save us like last time?" She added at the end.

Aslan answered both questions with a simple "Things never happen the same way twice, my dear one.

"If" Lucy stopped to try and word her next question right. "If I'd have come earlier, would everyone who died..." She stared into his eyes "Could I have stopped that?"

Noticing how her smile fell Aslan told her "We can never know what would have happened, Lucy. But what will happen is another matter entirely."

Both of their eyes widened "You mean you'll help?" Gianna questioned in disbelief. "Of course." He replied before adding "As will the two of you."

Lucy was more than confident to help. But Gianna seemed hesitant. "What's wrong?" Aslan asked her. "Oh, I only wish I was braver. Like my sister. And you and Lucy." She added with a frown.

"You were brave enough to care for your sister all alone. And help whomever you came across." Those words she did understand and made her smile once more.

Lucy stood up with the help of the older girl "Now, I think your friends have slept long enough, don't you?" Aslan also stood up and let out an roar so loud, it echoed off the trees and deep inside the forest.


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