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Chapter Seven: Indefinitely

Chapter Seven: Indefinitely__

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The Narnians and Caspian were leading everyone back to their base, with Peter and him leading the way.

Behind Lucy and Reepicheep who were near the front, Gianna and Marina were talking.

"¿Mirastes cómo te miraba el chico nuevo? Cuando el Rubio este estaba hablando." Marina bumped elbows with her sister, who's ear tips got red hot. (Translation: "Did you see how the new guy was looking at you? When Blondie was talking.")

She looked away from her and at the surrounding forest "No se que estas diciendo." (Translation: "I don't know what you're talking about.")

The young sister than start
ed to tease her "¡No me embustes, mana! Tu también lo estabas mirando." Marina softly and playfully began to paw on her arm like a cat. (Translation: "Don't lie to me, sister! You were also staring at him.")

"¿Y tú?" Gianna shot back. "¿Y yo que?" She questioned. (Translation: "And you?" "And me what?")

She shook her head in disappointment "Guau. ¿Eres tan ignorante que no te has dado cuenta de lo cerca eres con Justo?" (Translation: "Wow. You're so ignorant that you haven't even noticed how close you are to Just?")

Quickly Marina glanced at Edmund who was walking by himself.

"No..." She sighed and gave up "Pues si, pero tengo once años. El es quince." Marina spoke with a defeated voice. (Translation: "Well yes, but I'm eleven years old. He's fifteen.")

To cheer herself up she added "Pero una puede a soñar." (Translation: "But one can dream.")

Her sister patted her back for support "That's true." They shared a side hug and continued following everyone.


They ended up in front of an ancient temple that was covered in vines but seemed sturdy. At the bottom of a ramp, was the entrance and along sides of it were centaur holding their swords up for the Kings And Queens.

The four siblings walked ahead, under the weaponry, and left Caspian to follow behind.

But lucky for him, Gianna and Marina managed to catch up halfway there.

"Hello Prince Caspian." Gianna greeted then introduced herself "I'm Gianna and this is my sister Marina." She gestured to the young girl who looked up at the prince, and waved hello.

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