Pleasure Island/Riku in the belly of Monstro

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Soon... Sora and Hikari arrived at a strange world called Prankster's Paradise and saw that the place was an amusement park.

"Wow!" Sora cried.

"It's so... childish," Hikari smiled.

Then a familiar voice was heard. "That Pinocchio—he must have his poor father worried sick."

Hikari gasped. "That voice..."

	It was Jiminy Cricket who was talking to himself

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It was Jiminy Cricket who was talking to himself. "Still, that little fella's some miracle. Imagine... Mr. Geppetto's wooden puppet, brought to life by the Blue Fairy. She made his wish for a son come true because he's given so much happiness to others. Now Pinocchio needs me to guide him and be his conscience, so maybe one day, he can be a real— Well, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Jiminy. First, you gotta go find Pinoke."

"Hey, Jiminy!" Sora shouted.

"Do you remember us?" Hikari asked.

Jiminy saw Sora and Hikari. "Hmm? Who are you two? Both of you shouldn't be here, kids."

"What? Are you okay, Jiminy?" Sora frowned.

Jiminy was amazed. "Huh? You mean you two have heard of me? Well, I'll be. The name Jiminy Cricket's already spread far and wide."

Hikari frowned. "Really, you feeling all right? It's us, Hikari and Sora!"

Jiminy smiled. "Hikari and Sora, you say? Gosh, I don't think I recognize both of ya, but the names do have a familiar ring."

Hikari just realized something and turns to Sora. "Uhhh, Sora. Do you remember what Master Yen Sid told you and Riku about?"

Sora thinks about it. "Umm... Oh, yeah!"

Earlier at the real world of the Mysterious Tower, Master Yen Sid explained to Sora and Riku about the Sleeping Worlds. "In the Sleeping Worlds, real time does not flow. Unless one restores the world by waking it from its slumber, it will stay locked in a dream forever. Thus, you may encounter familiar faces...but they are just figments of the dream. In actuality, they are sound asleep—trapped within a world that is also sleeping. What's more, while someone may no longer dwell in the real version of a world, dreams may paint a fuller picture, and restore what seems to be missing."

After the flashback ended... Sora looks at Hikari. "The real Jiminy Cricket wasn't trapped in this world, so's like the dream world's putting him back where he belongs."

"Mmmm-hmmm!" Hikari nodded.

Jiminy heard them mumbling. "What's that? I can't hear ya."

Hikari giggled. "Right... It's very nice to meet you, Jiminy."

Jiminy laughed. "Well, sure. The feeling's mutual, Sora, Hikari."

"Oh yeah. So how come you said we need to get out of here?" Sora asked.

The Princess in the Sleeping Worlds (A KH3D: DDD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now