Master Xehanort's return/Taigen's truth

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After an intense duel with Young Xehanort, Hikari returned to Where Nothing Gathers and saw Riku and King Mickey running up to her.

"Are you okay, Hikari?" King Mickey asked.

"Yeah," Hikari nodded. "Thanks, boys. You?"

"We're fine," Riku nodded.

Suddenly, King Mickey noticed that his Stopza spell had worn off and looked up to see Master Xehanort on Xemnas's throne. "Master Xehanort! We were right about you!"

Hikari looked up with Riku to see Master Xehanort and gasped as her eyes widened. "No..."

	Master Xehanort smirked

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Master Xehanort smirked. "All of this was decided. My twelve selves would welcome me here on this day, when I would return a complete person. It is the future which lies beyond my sight."

King Mickey glared at Master Xehanort. "Why are you doing this?"

"In ancient times, people believed that light was a gift from an unseen land by the name of Kingdom Hearts," Master Xehanort explained. "But Kingdom Hearts was safeguarded by its counterparts, the χ-blade and the first princess of Kingdom Hearts. Warriors vied for that precious light, thus beginning the "Keyblade War." The violent clash destroyed its princess and shattered the χ-blade into twenty pieces—seven of light, and thirteen of darkness. And the only real Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness, never to surface again. I once tried to create my own pure light and darkness to forge the χ-blade, but the attempt ended in failure. In my eagerness, I had lost sight of the correct way to achieve my goal. I acted rashly. I can admit that now."

Hikari couldn't believe what Master Xehanort did as she recalled their first battle at the Keyblade Graveyard a long time ago. "What you did back then—your mistakes—changed the destinies of three of my friends!"

"Ah, but destiny is never left to chance, my dear princess," Master Xehanort said to Hikari. "I merely guided them to their proper places. The broken boy who failed to be the blade...the misguided master who sacrificed herself for a friend...and the feckless youth who became my new vessel."

King Mickey looked down as he looks at Hikari. "We couldn't find a way to save 'em, Hikari. But we wanted to believe that their sacrifice stopped him for good."

"I agree, Mickey," Hikari nodded but sighed. "But why? How are we so blind? We should've seen it, just like when I saw the Destiny Islands fell to darkness."

"And as soon as Maleficent started gathering the seven princesses of heart," King Mickey said.

Master Xehanort overheard Hikari and King Mickey's conversation. "Yes. They were all my doing. I used the evil fairy to find seven pure lights for me, just as I prepared thirteen vessels to fill with pure darkness."

Riku glared at Master Xehanort. "But you failed. Sora stopped you in your tracks on both counts."

Master Xehanort nods as he looks at Sora. "Yes, he did. That dull, ordinary boy—a Keyblade wielder so unlike any I have ever seen. However, I have not abandoned my ambitions—the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness."

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