All for One and One for All/Lea meets Master Yen Sid

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By the time Sora and Hikari arrive at a new world called The Country of the Musketeers, Musketeers Mickey, Donald and Goofy are confronting a Nightmare.

"We're doomed!" Musketeer Donald cried as he ran off.

Musketeer Mickey saw Musketeer Donald running away. "Donald! Where ya goin'?"

"Stand back! Here goes nothin'!" Musketeer Goofy said with his eyes shut as he ran off.

Musketeer Mickey saw Musketeer Goofy running the wrong direction. "Hey, Goofy, that's the wrong way!" He turned to the Dream Eater. "All right. I'll show ya what a Musketeer can do!"

As Sora and Hikari entered the castle, they saw Musketeer Mickey getting attacked by a Nightmare and defeats it.

Hikari's eyes widened as she looked at Musketeer Mickey. "K-King Mickey?"

"Are you okay?" Sora asked.

Musketeer Mickey looked at Sora and Hikari. "Huh? Have we met before?"

"What?" Sora frowned as he looked around and turned to Hikari. "Wait, is this like what happened with Jiminy and Tron?"

"I don't know," Hikari said. "But...we're not in Disney Castle, and that world isn't one of the ones that's asleep. I don't get it."

Musketeer Mickey walked up to the two. "You okay? What's wrong?

"Oh, um... we were wondering...where we are?" Sora said.

Musketeer Mickey looked at their Keyblades. "Where'd you two get those keys?"

Hikari and Sora looked at their Keyblades. "This? It's a Keyb—" Hikari said.

Musketeer Mickey shushes Hikari and Sora. "I know. You came from another world, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Sora nodded with Hikari.

	"My name's Mickey," Musketeer Mickey said

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"My name's Mickey," Musketeer Mickey said. "I'm workin' on a problem. That's why I'm in this world bein' a Musketeer."

Sora looks at Hikari. "So, are we in a world the King visited that I don't know about—a world that's trapped in sleep somewhere?"

"Apparently," Hikari said. "'Cause I guess..."

"You both seem confused," Musketeer Mickey said. Then he noticed Nightmares appearing. "Look out!"

Sora and Hikari readied their Keyblades as they prepare to battle. "I'm Sora. And this is Hikari," Sora said.

"We can talk later. For now... Let us handle 'em," Hikari said as she and Sora battled the Dream Eater Nightmares.

After the fight, Musketeer Mickey came to see Sora and Hikari. "Thanks. I sure owe ya both. Some Musketeer I turned out to be."

Musketeer Goofy ran past the three with his eyes shut and his sword swinging. "Where's the bad guys?"

The Princess in the Sleeping Worlds (A KH3D: DDD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now