Deep in a chasm of dreams/Sora VS Xemnas

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Sooner or later... Sora and Hikari had found themselves in Organization XIII's homeworld, the World that Never Was.

Sora walked around with Hikari. "Wait, isn't this... Is the Organization's world sleeping too?"

Hikari shook her head. "No, it can't be."

"You're right," Sora nodded. "I know I definitely found the seven Keyholes already. So, I've gotta be awake again and in the real world. But why here?"

A familiar voice was heard. "Aw, what's the matter, sleepyhead?"

Sora looked around with Hikari. "Who's there?"

"Wherever you are..." Hikari said, looking around. "Show yourself!"

It was Xigbar, one of Organization XIII's members, aiming his arrowguns at Sora and Hikari. "We followed drama princess and jumped through a lot of hoops to get you here. But it looks as if it's gonna pay off." He fires his arrowguns at the two who dodged the attack and then he floats down to where they're standing.

" He fires his arrowguns at the two who dodged the attack and then he floats down to where they're standing

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Hikari gasped. "Xigbar? You're alive!?"

"You're a part of this?" Sora asked.

Xigbar smirked. "Hey. Let's hit these plot points in order, Sora, Hikari... Roxas, Kirihax." He looked at Hikari. "First, you must be wondering about the kid's revised itinerary. "Why's he here, not back home?" The answer's simple. We brought Sora to this place! Hijacked his little slumber party before it started. And ever since, we've been both his companions and his constant guides."

Hikari exchanges looks with Sora. "Before it started?"

Sora thinks about it and just remembered as he looks at Hikari. "The man in the robe! And so that guy in the black coat, and Xemnas..."

Xigbar smirked at Sora as he walks up to him and Hikari. "Bingo. You were able to go back in time to just before your home became a Sleeping World, only because a past version of you already existed there. And I can see, in the past, you already met Mr. Robe Guy. Yup, he was there then to make sure you ended up here now."

"That sounds ridiculous!" Hikari glared at Xigbar.

"It sure is, princess," Xigbar said to Hikari. "It's too perfect. Who'd ever believe it? Which is why you idiots never saw it coming." Then he turned to Sora. "You thought you were off doing some kind of test, right? Well, test this—how come you're wearing the same clothes if you're already back home? You are not gonna wake up, okay? Look—there's no real versus dreams anymore. There's just you, us, and this."

"I see," Sora sighed. "Fair enough." He and Hikari summoned their Keyblades. "So what? At least we know who to blame for it!"

"Which is you or creepy man!" Hikari agreed.

"Ooh, I see you two have still got those angry looks down," Xigbar said. "But, here is where I tag out. I got just a few more hoops I gotta jump through." He disappears and reappears, upside down on air above Sora and Hikari, and then shoots out bolts with his arrowguns.

The Princess in the Sleeping Worlds (A KH3D: DDD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now