♡Our wedding pt 2♡

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Sung ho was happily walking upstairs. He was feeling nervous and had giddy feeling running through his body. He felt goosebumps as he neared the room where the noises were coming.

" I think yang hyung has his friends come over~" he said as he heard the voices of four to five people talking. All were new voices for him as he has never met yang's and Taehyung's friends before.

He felt very nervous as he stood in front of the door. He clenched his fists as he knocked twice before entering.

There was silence as soon as he entered. He found group of eyes on him. He was looking down the whole time. Soon yang walked towards him.

" Sung ho? When did you arrive?" Yang asked the boy. Finally sung ho looked up to meet yang's eyes. He for a second scanned the room but couldn't find Taehyung. He frowned but soon looked at yang once again.

" I just arrived now hyung" he whispered softly smiling back at yang.

" Okay. Come I will introduce you to my fiance" yang said as he moved away.

Sung ho as soon as he looked up, his breathing stopped because right in front of him. There was Taehyung laying on bed with his head on a boy's lap. The boy was blushing as he softly run his hand through the black silky hairs.

Who is he??

Sung ho's mind was mess. His heart was burning. It was hard for him to stay in that room for even a second. He wanted to ran away and scream his lungs out.

His eyes burned as he saw Taehyung holding the boy's free hand and kissing it softly. He whispered something which made the boy blush even more.

They were in their own world which was filled with full of love.


" Sung ho? Sung ho!?" Yang's voice brought him back. As he averted his gaze from lovely couple to yang.

He got angry when even after Taehyung heard his name being called he didn't show any interest or even gave a glance at his side.

He slowly walked towards yang. Yang introduced Hoseok to him. He hugged Hoseok and congratulated him. They talked for a while as others were doing important businessue with their lovers.

Who is he!? To touch my fiance without my permission!! And Taehyungie hyung! Why is he acting like this!?

Sung ho was getting angry at the boy, who was whining and blushing at the words Taehyung was whispering to him. He wanted to know what was Taehyung telling the boy that it was making the boy blushy mess.

Even though he was talking with Hoseok, his all attention was towards Taehyung. He grew frustrated as time passed. He had enough!

I think he's angry because i didn't contact him. Aww my honey is upset~ I will make up to him~ he's mine~ no one can snatch him away from me!

He thought with his delusional mind and smirked at the innocent bunny boy.

" Taehyungie hyung~~~~~" he called with honey dripping voice making Yoongi cringe at his disgusting voice.

Sung ho felt shivers all over his body when Taehyung's strong yet blank gaze was on him now.

He's so handsome!!!!

" Hm mo-m.. she se-nt me he-re... She ask-ed you to ta-ke me for... For sho-pping..." He was stutterering mess. His eyes were down when he spoke. He just couldn't handle that powerful gaze.

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