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_Third person pov_
After Tommy asked those questions,it made dream think that Tommy was doing a prank to him.

Dream:...wha-Tommy what do you mean you know me

Tommy:no I don't know you...-wait you called me Tommy i-is that my name?

Dream then realized that Tommy wasn't pulling a bamboozle on him,he realised that Tommy was being honest and that he didn't remember him or himself at all.

Dream:uh-yes that is your name Tommy

Tommy:oh ok,what's your name?

_Dream pov_
Dang it!now I have to traumatise this boy again...actually I won't,he doesn't remember anything which means I just need to trust me then he'll work for me.

After I thought of a plan I try to introduce myself again to the kid

Dream:My name is dream and I-

I tried to talk to Tommy but was cut off when the pouring lava stopped and revealed the warden of the prison,Sam


Tommy:um...hello!...who are you?

Dream:Don't worry Tommy he is no one anyways I am-

I was about to continue talking to Tommy until Sam then interrupts me again

Sam:Tommy Tommy get on the platform


Sam:uh-just do it

Tommy:say please?



Tommy then gets on the platform as Sam said to and Sam pulls a lever that brings the platform all the way from the cell to where Sam is,Sam then pulls another lever that makes the lava pour down covering the cell.

Sam:come with me Tommy and do what I say ok?



Tommy:oh fine

Tommy does and completes everything that Sam tells him to do and is free to leave.

Tommy:uh what's your name?

Sam:uh my name is should remember Tommy

Tommy:well I don't remember and I just found out what my own name is

Sam:uh oh that's a problem,do you remember the dream smp?

Tommy:like I said I remember nothing so no

Sam:ok...then I should escort you back home

Tommy:...back home?

Heyheyhey author Unii here! I just wanna say that I will be updating this daily,so yeah.Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter bye :)

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