21st September

673 21 3

_Timedeo pov_
Ok so it's been two days,which means that today is the day that I will be going on a date with Tommyinnit,my platonic crush...I'm so f*cking nervous

Luke:Calm down Deo,calm down

Bitzel:calmaté deo(idk why I made him say this)

Timedeo:wha-Deo can't calmaté! He is about to go on a date with his crush

Luke:actually Deo I have a question


Luke:Where are you gonna take him?


Really?You decide to ask him to hang out and you don't know where?!?

Bitzel:Don't worry Deo you got this!

Timedeo:Yeah...yeah you're right,I got this,oh it's 4:30(pm) I need to go get him,see you guys!

Luke:Bye!Good luck man!


...Actually,I think I know a spot.

_Tommy pov_
Oh jeez,I don't remember anything,I got flashbacks a while ago and my eyes glowed green...And now I gotta go and hang out with Deo,this should be fun.

Hopefully this can take off some stress,since well I wanna remember everything duh,but at the same time...In the last flashback I jumped off that block tower and the only reason I can think off to why I did that,is I must've been manipulated or some sh*t...But by who?

I hear a knock on the door,I answer it to see that it was Deo.

Timedeo:uh hey,you ready?


Timedeo:Ok then let's go!

_Third person pov_
Timedeo told Tommy to follow him and after a while they made it to the place Deo wanted to take him to.It was a giant field of roses

Tommy:it's beautiful!

Timedeo:come on

Timedeo says running into the field,Tommy follows after.They both lie down on the flowers,staring at the beautiful sunset sky,they both were talking about their own families and sh*t.

Tommy:Do you have any family members on the server too?

Timedeo:Yeah,but only one though,his name is Eret and he's my big brother(I forgot to say this au :( )

_Tommy pov_
That name sounds...Familiar.

_Flashback time_
????:It was never meant to be

who-who said that?I blink my eyes a few times and when I stop I see another flashback start.

The forest...Was in flames,what the hell!?I look around and see a girl holding a flint and steel running away,did she do this?Why?

_Flashback time has come to an end_
I blink my eyes a few times and realize that Deo is calling me

Timedeo:Tommy!Are you alright?

Tommy:Yeah I'm alright,what happened?

Timedeo:Well when I said my brothers name you started shaking and then-

Tommy:My eyes turned green?

Timedeo:y-yeah,this is the first time your eyes glowed green

Tommy:That's not true



_Timeskip because I'm lazy,deal with it_

Tommy:And that's what happened

Timedeo:Ok...We got to find out why this is happening


Timedeo:oh it's going to be night time soon,come on let's go back

Tommy:ok then

On the way back me and Deo start talking about our families and some random things too.

Timedeo:But really you should listen to them,they make such good songs

Tommy:ok ok I will,what's the name again?

Timedeo:Earth wind and fire

Tommy:That's a long name,I might not remember it

Timedeo:Well atleast try

Tommy:fine fine

...I can't help but feel like we're being watched...

Timedeo:ok we're here!

Tommy:ok then,Deo I had a really fun time

Timedeo:I did too,we could go on another one if you want...

Tommy:I'd love too!


Tommy:of course,anyways I'm gonna go inside,goodnight Deo!


I give him a little wave and went inside and plopped on my bed.

Today was fun,hopefully we'll do it again soon.

_Timedeo pov_
I open my door to see Bitzel and Luke sitting on the couch staring at me.

Luke:So...How'd it go?

Bitzel:How was it?Did it go well?Did it go bad?I don't think it went bad,I NEED TO KNOW EVERY DETAIL!

Timedeo:It went well,I think I'll ask him again later,anyways I'm gonna go to bed now,goodnight


I go up the stairs and into my room,I walk towards my desk and pick up a piece of paper,It was a picture of me,Tommy,Luke and Bitzel hanging out in smp earth,I still remember when we took thick photo,it was 21st night of September,Heh...I miss that place...It's sad they shut down the place,then out if the blur you hear something shatter outside my window

I walk to my window and open it,I stick my head out and take a peak outside,no one is there.Maybe a roof tile got loose and fell,I don't know.

I close the window and lie down on my bed and I close my eyes.
Heyehyhey author Unii here!Just wanna say that I may not be posting chapters as often as I usually do,also a few days ago I published on some chapters on my new book,y'know,that purpledinnit book I said I was gonna make,but yeah...You should check it out.

Anyways hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys are enjoying my stories,Tata :]

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