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_Tommy pov_
I remember going to bed,happy that my bestfriend is married and that I now have a boyfriend,it's strange to call Deo that...Well guess I'll have to get use to it.Anyways I was sleeping peacefully until I got up to use the bathroom,when I came back I saw the window in my bedroom was broken.What the hell!?Did someone just break in?

I look everywhere to find no one,phew!Guess I'm safe!...Is what I would've said but as I was about to walk back to my bedroom I see a iron axe flying towards me,I dodge and it it hits the wall instead,making a hole in it.A figure runs to the axe and takes it out if the wall he looks at me and as I stare at the familiar face I realise who it is,it was Dream.Why is he doing this?

He sprints over to me and tries to slice me with the axe but I dodged ever move,I almost died when I was dodging because I hit my table that had a vase full of pretty roses and fell to the ground,I look up to see dream holding his axe above my head as if he was to smash open my head,which he was.But I rolled to the side and ran to my bathroom.I locked the door and just stared at myself in the mirror,thinking on what I'm gonna do...Maybe I can write a note!Since Deo is coming over today he'll be here and he'll fund this note and get help!I open the drawer to find exactly what I needed,a pencil and a peice of paper,as I write I hear footsteps slowly approach the door,I look at the bottom of the door to see a shadow figure of someone standing right infront if the door,oh no...All of a sudden he starts kicking the door and I get back to writing,when I finished I put the note in the cabinet and left it open slightly.As I look back at the door the door is kicked open and Dream just stares at me like a-like a psychopath,he walks over to me and kicks me in the stomach,as I flinch from the hit he took out his axe and hit me in the head and GOD IT HURT LIKE HELL!

Thankfully he didn'tkill me,the only thing he did was make a big bloody mess on the walls.After hitting me with his axe he then just starts to beat me up,punching me,kicking me,breaking my ribs,all the bad stuff.But eventually as he was about to punch me I moved quickly and kicked him off me,he hit up and used the sink as support to help him stand,he was about to punch me but I acted quickly again.I grabbed the side of his head and hit his head on the sink,causing him to yelp in pain...and let the peice of the mask that covered his right eye fall apart into peices.He looks down to see that peices of his broken mask,he stares at them for like 10 seconds,then I notice he clenched his fist.Oh...I f*cked up...I'm gonna go now,bye b*tch.

I run to the bathroom door and he slowly but surely follows with his now bloody mask on his face and his bloody axe.I run to the door and lock it. I don't know why I did that when he can just go through the bedroom window but I thought it would slow him down,which it did for 25 seconds,to which he then slices a whole through the door with the axe,I run away as fast I could but he was catching up to me,I shout for someone to help even though it's like 6am in the morning and everyone is pretty much still asleep,I continue to run until I feel a hand grab mine,it pulls me to the floor and I stare at Dream who has his leg on my chest so I don't escape.That's how I ended up here,in the nether with my hand tied together being pulled by dream to somewhere,I don't know he didn't tell me.My head still hurts from being hit with that axe and I'm pretty sure he's in pain too but I can't tell since well the mask is covering most if his face,not too mention his right eye is just staring into the abyss.His right eye actually has a scar and I know I didn't give him that...So I wonder who did,well I guess I'll find out soon...Finally we make it to another nether portal and we both walk in, as we walk out I look around,what is this place?

I see a white tent,some wooden pole with fire on them,a Christmas tree and many more things,the most interesting one was the fact there was a a very tall tower of blocks...Hmm,that looks familiar...Dream then pulls me to this cobblestone cross and starts digging infront of it,for what?Like I said he didn't tell me anything.

He stops digging when he finds a buried chest,are we on some f*cking treasure hunt or some sh*t?He opens the chest and takes out a netherite axe that has the words 'The Axe if Peace' embroidered on the handle,is that what it's called?

Ok,that's it!I'm tired of waiting I'm just gonna ask him what this place is

Tommy:Hey Dream...What is this place?

Dream:Exile Tommy,this place is exile

Oh so this is exile!...The name sounds kinda familiar.

I stare at the tent trying to remember what this place is,until something new happened.

_Flashback time_
I see someone walk out of the tent and yawn,he kinda looks like me...Is he me?Well past me who technically is me?Oh another one is happening

I walk to the beach to see me again,sitting on the beach all alone while tables,seats and decorations that seem to be for birthdays surround me,I then start sobbing but eventually I walk to my tent.Oh now another is happening

I blink and see myself on my knees as my eyes widen while I silently cry,I look up to  see some sort of build on fire,it looks like it's been blown up a bit too...What is this place?I look around and see a sign I read it and it says 'logstedshire',is that the anem of this place?And if it is did I name it?If I did I really need to improve on names.Then another one starts

I blink to see that I am IN THE SKY!WHAT THE HELL?!I look down to see a very scary,long and painful death if I fell down,good thing I won't fall-Oh come on!I watch as I fall into the water,ouch...Wait...Haven't I already seen this before?That means that I did all of that here,in exile.Familiar!That's why this is so familiar!This is where I spent some of my days!This is where my saddest and maybe most traumatic moments happened!Why did I try to Falk though?

I blink to see another one starting,It showed me and Dream standing infront of each other,he dug open a hole in the ground and told me to throw all my stuff in...Why?I asked the same thing and said no,but then he became violent and started punching and kicking me and eventually I gave in,I watched as I threw my items and Dream just burned them as if they had absolutely no need.

Then another one starts,it was me,Tubbo,Ranboo,Dream and many more people,they were all looking at me and Ranboo as if we did something wrong,"I here by exile Tommyinnit" Tubbo says calmly,I watch as Ranboo walks to Tubbo while I get dragged by Dream to exile,no wonder I tried to fall down and die...

Ok I think that was the final one-oh come on!I see myself in a cave with Timedeo,my dad,Techno,Sam,Tubbo,Purpled this other guys who is wearing a white shirt with a flame on it,who's he?I look at myself to see me on my knees crying,I look to see Dream holding a book and a...Ghostbur's ghost corpse?I never knew ghost's had corpses!Dream then starts saying strange words and Ghostbur starts turning...Into a human.He has that white streak in his hair,Nd I saw that the last time so what could it mean?...Oh well I'll find out soon enough.Wait this hasn't happened to me,I know I have like amnesia but I always feel a wave of something telling me it's familiar,I can't feel it for this one though,only that white streak...

_Flashback time end_
I blink twice to realise I'm sitting on the ground with tears on my cheeks,I look up to see Dream staring at me confused

Tommy:...It's something that just happens every now and then...

He nods,turns the other way and starts to walk I follow him thinking we're gonna go to tge nether portal but no,we walk into the Forrest and stop at this weird abandoned village.
-------------------------------Heyheyhey Author Unii here!Just wanna say the reason I posted 3 chapters is because I'm planning on taking a little itty bitty break from writing,because I'm having a hard time fitting it in my schedule since I have school and many more other things,also I might make a new book after I finish a story in particular,guess which one(I already said this in another story of mine a few weeks ago but I never did that break) :]

Anywyas I hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapters,Tata :]

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