Lightning in a bottle

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_Tommy pov_
Today me and Ranboo decided to hang out,he seems like a sweet person,Tubbo must be happy with him!

I hear a knock at my door,I go to the door and answer it,it was Ranboo

Tommy:Oh hey Ranboo!

Ranboo:hey Tommy,come on

Tommy:ok then

Ranboo then takes me to this bench that is right next to my house,I sit one side and he sits on the other,I look up to see a beautiful view

Tommy:It's so pretty,how did I not notice this bench before?

Ranboo:I don't know,anyways I...Have a feeling that something fun happened yesterday,do you want to tell me?

Tommy:You're right!Ok so this is what happened...

_Timedeo pov_
I am on my way to Tubbo's place,why?Bitzel said he came to my our place earlier because he wanted to talk to me,but I was away mining and killing sheep.

I wonder what he wants to talk about...

After a while I made it to Tubbo's house,I knock on the door and he opens it

Tubbo:oh...Hello!What are you doing here?

Timedeo:Hi tubbo!Bitzel said you wanted to speak with me earlier but I was away,but I'm here now so...Lets talk

Tubbo:ok then,come with me

I follow him inside and sit with him on the couch

Timedeo:so what do you want to talk about?

Tubbo:well...Do you like Tommy?


Tubbo:uh huh,yeah sure

To be honest we both had a nice chat,and then he asked me this question

Tubbo:Hey Deo,why do you like Tommy?

Timedeo:He's kind,brave,funny,smart,pretty...

Tubbo:uh huh,but like...What is he like to you?

Timedeo:hmmm he's like...Lightning in a bottle,something I can't let go since I've already got...

And all I need is to be struck by his electric love...


What the-Did I Say That Out Loud!?!??!

Timedeo:uh nothing

Tubbo then stares at me for a while

Tubbo:ok then...

Then after that we just talked about some random things

Tubbo:it was nice talking to you Deo

Timedeo:Yeah,bye Tubbo!


_Tubbo pov_
Ugh,I hate that guy,he's probably gonna break Tommy's heart if Tommy ever gave him a chance.But it seems like he cares about Tommy...So?He's just acting...I've got to find a way for him to just-Never ever get a chance with Tommy.

Ha!It's a good thing I've got a perfect,as for the people I need help with...I'll meet them later.

As I think that I hear the door,it was Ranboo

Ranboo:hey Tubbo

Tubbo:hey ranboo,where'd you go?

Ranboo:uh I told you already,I went to see Tommy

Tubbo:oh ok did you guys talk about anything?

Ranboo:oh yeah,he said that him and Deo are gonna go and hang out tomorrow

...Perfect,I then feel a hand on my shoulder

Ranboo:Tubbo...Please,you made a promise to not do that again

Tubbo:I did,and don't worry I won't go

Ranboo:ok good,I'm gonna go get something to eat,you wanna come?

Heyheyhey author Unii here!Just wanna say that I will be posting part 2 of 'the new kids' in like 4 weeks,so yeah...Idk what to say now...Have any of you guys watched arcane league of legends?

Anyways,I hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys enjoy reading my stories,Tata :]


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