The path I choose

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Most of the people who I asked wanted this
_Technoblade pov_
...What do I do?I don't know who to pick

Wait a long have I been here?...AN HOUR!?!?!

Oh god I gotta get back home,the good thing is I'm a human compass so I can find my way out.

_Philza pov_
I'm watching Tommy and Ghostbur playing with Shroud,I look at the time and see that it's 6:35 pm...and Techno isn't here,he's been gone for a full hour,is he ok?Is he injured?Should I go and try find him?

Don't worry Phil,he's alright,I'll just wait...if he doesn't come in 10 minutes,I can go and look for him.

It's been 10 minutes...And Techno isn't at this point you know what I'm gonna do,worry

Is he alright?Is he lost?Is he kidnapped or something? Is he getting another dog?WHERE IS HE?!?!

_Tommy pov_
I notice that my dad is worried about something,so I go up to him and ask him what's up

Tommy:Dad...what's wrong?

Philza:oh nothing's wrong...I'm just worried about Techno

Tommy:oh,actually where is he?

Philza:...That's just it,I don't know

Tommy:i-is he missing or something?

Philza:Maybe,but...he'll be back soon,But in the mean time I'll try find him

Tommy:Oh...Can I go look for him instead



Philza:I don't want you to get hurt

Tommy:fine I'll stay

....ha!Just kidding,I walk over to Ghostbur and Shroud and ask them for help to which they both agree.

Phil:Ok guys I'm goin-


Philza:um no where special

Ghostbur:oh are you sure?also where did Techno go?

Philza:oh well he's in the Forrest


Philza:I don't know-

Ghostbur:why don't you know?,you're an adult,you should know these things

As Ghostbur and Shroud continue to keep bombarding Dad with questions I escape outside to go find Techno.

It's been probably 10 or 15 minutes and well I haven't found techno yet,but I'm not giving up yet...Actually I just remembered that flashback of him,I wonder what was that about,maybe when I find him I'll ask him.


I turn around to see Techno looking at me confused

Tommy:Oh there you are!Dad has been worried sick about you,what are you doing out here anyway?

Technoblade:oh uh,I'm just going on a walk

Tommy:oh,well then you have very long walks

Me and Techno start walking back home and on the way there I decide ask him something

Tommy:Hey techno I have a question

Techno:well what is it? know how I have amnesia?well yesterday I actually had some sort of flashback vision thingy,and in the vision I saw you shouting 'do you want to be the hero Tommy,then die like one'at me,and I just wanna know what was that about

As I ask that question Techno stops walking and stares at me with shocked look on his face

Tommy:Is something wrong?

Technoblade:I...nothing,*mumbles to himself* why did you have to remember that

Tommy:wha-Techno,what happened?

Technoblade:No I-*sighs* do you really want to know?

I nodded

_Technoblade pov_
Guess he has to know at one point...

Technoblade:ok,well before you got amnesia there was a place called Lmanburg,it was place that Wilbur created-

Technoblade:-and then Wilbur blew up Lmanburg,and then he died and then after me talking abit I said the words you were asking me about,and then I unleashed withers  upon you guys...and yeah that's what happened

Tommy:oh ok...wait,how did Wilbur die?from the explosions?

Technoblade:...uh yeah

Tommy:oh ok,anyways let's get back home

Me and Tommy then continue walking again...I feel bad

Technoblade:hey Tommy?...I'm sorry

Tommy:for what?trying to kill me with withers?

Technoblade:Well yeah...But I also did some other things that definitely makes me a horrible a horrible person,and a horrible brother to you

(idk if this makes sense to read or not)

As I say that Tommy goes and hugs me

Tommy:oh,techno...It's ok,I don't see you as a horrible brother or person

I hug Tommy back

Technoblade:Heh,well what if I did something that would change that opinion?

Tommy:well...if it was something you wanted to do,then I guess it would be ok

(This part needs work but I'll do that later:] )

Me and Tommy continue hugging for abit but eventually we let go,but then I see a shadow.

I tell Tommy to stay behind me and take out a crossbow,I see the shadow getting g closer and closer to us...I shoot an arrow at the shadow

Philza:there you are-oh!

The arrow almost hit dad but thankfully he dodged it

Philza: where were you guys?what took you guys so long?And why did you try to kill me?

Technoblade:well we were far away from the house,we are kinda tired and we thought you were a zombie or something

Philza:*sighs*it's ok I forgive you guys,and Tommy you better not do that again ok?

Tommy:fine,but come on guys let's go home

_Third person pov_
Tommy,Techno and Phil all make it home and eat dinner,and after that they go to sleep,except for techno

_Technoblade pov_
I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling,thinking about the choice I have made

The path I choose... is to take care of Tommy and the rest of my family.
Heyheyhey author Unii here!Just wanna announce the fact that I will be doing the Tommy ending,also remember that time I said I would write a story in my new book?well...I feel like maybe I should change into a different type of book.

Like a book like this!Except  maybe I'll do purpledinnit book instead,what do you guys think?

Anyways,hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you guys are having a good day,Peace out :]

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