It has been 3 days after Tommy's death in prison and the dsmp in denial,especially Deo,aka the guy who has a platonic crush on Tommy :] (no this is not a part 2 of 'the new kids'this is completely different story au)they both cared for each other ve...
_Timeskip_ _Tommy pov_ Today is the day my bestfriend is getting married!I'm so excited for him,also they haven't told me about exile yet,I wonder why...Anyways I'm in my house getting ready,I might be late to the wedding because I can't find a suit!Why didn't I think of buying more clothing instead of the same red and white tshirt?
As I look through my entire closet I find actually find a decent one,it's kinda dusty though,guess I won't be late.I quickly put it on and sprint to the venue.
_Timedeo pov_ So me,Bitzel and Luke are here at the wedding venue,we came early because Luke said he didn't want us to be late even though the wedding starts at 5pm and it was 2pm.I gotta say this place is pretty cool,I like the fact they made it outdoor and that there is a forrset near by to explore
_The wedding venue_
Anyways it is 4:50 pm and Tommy is not here,I wonder why though.Maybe he was taking a nap oraybe looking for a suit to wear,I'm pretty sure he has only one suit though,the business bay suit.Me,Bitzel and Luke ordered new suits but the shipment is taking too long so we had to wear our business bay suits,I'm surprised they still fit since it's been like a long time since we've worn these,hell they don't even have holes!Well except the holes for the neck and arms but you get what I mean right?
The wedding is about to start so everyone gets to their seat and sits down,the only seat with no one on it was the seat next to me,Tommy's seat.Ok now I'm starting to worry.Wjere could he be?What happened fo him?Is he hurt?Is he sick?Has he been captured or some sh*t?!?!I must find out!I get up from my seat and am about to leave to venue until I bump into someone,he fallsto the ground and I help him up,it was Tommy.I pull him up and hug him
Timedeo:You had me worried
Tommy:Sorry Sorry I just couldn't find a suit,but I found this decent one and decided to wear it
Timedeo:Oh ok-...
I pause for a moment,huh,he still does have the suit.
Tommy:Well we should get going now right?
Timedeo:You're right...Shall we?
I put my hand out for him to hold nad he grabs it,we both walk in hand in hand and Technoblade and Ghostbur turn to face me.The 2 of them give me death glares and I just give them a smile and walk back to my seat.As we all sit down and chat we all stop as we see Hannah gently throws rose petals on the ground and after her we see Tubbo walking into the venue in a nice dark green suit.
_Tubbo's suit(imagine it's dark green)_
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He stops walking and turns around to face the back,we all do the same and see Ranboo walking with Phil
_Ranboo's suit_
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_Ranboo pov_ Me and Phil stop and he walks to the side lines,I walk up nad stand next to Tubbo who's doing his cute bright smile.We both hold hands and stare at each other as Sam welcomes everyone and talks for a while and eventually it becomes time for the vows...I actually didn't make a vow so I guess I have to make one up on the spot.
Ranboo:Tubbo...When I first met you I thought of you as just a friend,until we started to hang out more then I realised that maybe we were more then just that...So I decided to confess to you but before I did you did,that day is probably one of the happiest days of my life,aside from today.And yesterday I really loved the speech you said to me that night,you made me happy again,not only that but it made me realise something...That our love is the true kinda love.I wanna be with you,no one will come between us.
Tubbo:Ranboo,I wanna be with you too.But I know that when a difficult day goes by I now keeping it togther is hard but that's why we've got to try.When we broke up I was stuck in the middle and shame,feeling horrible on how I didn't listen to you nad I just did I what I wanted without considering how it would hurt you.But now,I am better then win-or-lose,there's a new direction that I'd like to choose,and It's called the truth.If you ever grow through problems that stress you out,show me that solvable problem,we can get through it I'll do the hardest part with you.
The last part made me feel special,It made me feel so happy I almost cried tears of joy.We put on our rings and do the I do's and Sam finally says
Sam:By the power vested in me by the Dream Smp,I now pronounce you husband and...uh- Husband!
Everone cheers as me and Tubbo walk down the aisle happily.
_Tommy pov_ Tubbo and Ranboo continue to walk away but before they leave Ranboo stops and throws his boquet of purple alliums to the people behind.The boquet ended up in a tree that I was underneath of,and as you probably expected it fell into my arms,I look to the side to see Bitzel and Luke pushing Deo over to me.Bitzel then runs to Tubbo and Ranboo to take photo's of them.I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn to see who tapped me and I see Deo,he tells me to follow him and he takes me into the forrest.What're we gonna do here? ------------------------------- Heyheyhey Author Unii here!Just wanna ask you guys something...What do you guys think Deo brought him there for?I want to see who's got the correct answer
Anyways hope you guys are having a good day(I'm not (・ᴗ・)) and I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter,Tata :]