Who do you pick?

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_Ranboo pov_
Tubbo and I have been planning for our wedding,it's actually gonna happen pretty soon like in a week so we have been planning and making decisions day and night

But today we both decided that today we will take a bit of a break,so I decided that maybe me and Tubbo could go on a date


No one responds,where is he?Maybe he's asleep,I go into his room to see he is not there.Hmm where could he be then?

Maybe he's in the Forrest looking for a bee,so I go to the Forrest and venture forth looking for my fiancé.

It's been like an hour and I can't find him,and I want to go back home but I forgot which way I came from,ugh now I'm stuck here and I don't know what to do!

All of a sudden I hear someone

?:*whisper shouts*Out of everyone he could've picked he picked Him?

Ranboo:who said that?

I then walk in the direction to where I had the person talking from to see...Tubbo

Tubbo:uh-Ranboo?What are you doing here?

Ranboo:I was looking for you everywhere

I go and try to hug him until I look at the background and see...Tommy and Timedeo walking somewhere


Tubbo:Ranboo!Ranboo I can explain everythi-

Ranboo:Why are you doing This?I know you can be overprotective sometimes but this is too much,so why?

Tubbo:Well he's my bestfrie-

Ranboo:Exactly!He's your bestfriend,I don't think people do this to their bestfriend's do they!?

Tubbo:No,no they don't,I'm so sorry I did this,I promise-

Ranboo:Who do you pick?

Tubbo:wha-ranboo why are you ask-

Ranboo:Just answer the question!Who do you pick...Me or tommy?


Ranboo:...Just promise me you won't do this again

I grab Tubbo's hand and hold it tightly


Tubbo:Of course Ranboo,anything for you,anyways come on let's get back home,it's getting late

Ranboo:yeah...let's go

I say as I follow Tubbo back to our home

Tubbo:Goodnight ranboo!

Ranboo:good night...Tubbo!

The last thought I had in my head before I closed my eyes was...

...Did he actually mean that promise?...

_Tubbo pov_
I lie in my bed,tossing and turning,trying to sleep.I sit up and stare at the wall,Tommy picked Timedeo,out of everyone he picked Him?Now don't get me wrong,I want him to be happy with someone,just not...Timedeo.

What is so special about Timedeo anyway?They both just met,what did Deo even mean by bestfriends?He's obviously MY bestfriend!Unless...They met somewhere before the dream smp...I turn my head to the window,well...Time to find out.

I go to my window,open it and climb down to the ground.

Ok,so I'm at his house,Bitzel and Luke live here too,I got to be stealthy.I look in the window to see Timedeo walking up the stairs,I got to find a way up there...Then I see a ladder,perfect he!I use the ladder,get in the roof and take a peak through Deo's window,I see him holding a photo of him,Tommy,Bitzel and Luke wearing suits.So they do know each other...Or atleast used too,I try to get a closer look at the photo but...I accidentally hit a roof tile,making it fall and break,not to mention it made a loud noise.

I look to see Timedeo walking towards window so I climb to the other side of the roof and climb and hide.Deo then lied down on his bed,'I should do that too,I thought as I quietly walked to the ladder and climbed down.

I open my window and climb inside,I go and plop into my bed,staring at the ceiling.

Hopefully Ranboo didn't find out I was gone,I don't know what would happen if he did know...Anyways,what should I do about Tommy and Timedeo?...I got a perfect plan!All I need is someone to help me out,and I know just who.Sorry Tommy,but Timedeo isn't right for you,you'll understand the favour I'm doing for you.

I smile and close my eyes, falling asleep.
Heyheyhey Author Unii here!Sorry for making this chapter short...And with ranboo angst but oh well.

Anyways,hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys are enjoying my stories,Tata :]


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