His happiness

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Ok holy sh*t,I'm so so so so so,so sorry for not posting in this for like months,but let's continue this k?
_Purpled pov_
I'm currently laying on my couch,feeling lots of pain in my left eye...Or atleast where my left eye was.I remember going back to my house and seeing my brother,Punz,sitting on the couch waiting for me.

When he saw me and the bandage on my left eye he immediately started asking questions and I answered a few.

Punz:...How did you even get that wound?


Then I told him what happened,now he's mad at Tubbo and is probably gonna try yo kill him.Hopefully I'll stop him before he does,I'm pretty sure he tried to at Tubbo's wedding but I'm not too sure,I didn't attend.Punz left and said that he'll be back in a few days.I wonder he's going...
I wonder what the others are up to.Hmmm,well Tubbo and Ranboo are probably looking for bee's or just watching TV,Timedeo and the rest if business bay are probably stuck inside their house also watching TV...And Tommy?...I'm not too sure,maybe I can go check on him later.

As I get up to go to my room I hear a knock at the door,I answer it to see...Deo?

Purpled:Uh hi Deo...What brings you here?

Timedeo:oh hi Purpled,uh I'm here because I need to ask you something

I nod my head and let him in.We both sit down on the couch and I ask how's been and yada yada yada,but eventually he asks me his question.

Timedeo:Ok I don't know if you've heard about this but uh...Tommy was kidnapped


Purpled:What?By who?

Timedeo:By Dream

I should've known...That key lime bastard,I swear he just keeps on ruining pretty much everyone's lives!Especially Tommy,we should've been there for him.

Timedeo:And uh well your brother,Punz,has told us the location so me and some others are gonna go and get Tommy back and uh...We were wondering if you could tag along,if you're busy or something you can do that and not come...

Well I am in pain but...Dream has Tommy plus Dream is a challenge,and if Punz is with him...The group will be in danger...And Tommy will die.

Purpled:...I'm going with you guys

Timedeo:Really?Are you sure?

Purpled:yes,I don't want you or Tommy to die.So tonight?Where are we meeting?

Timedeo:Uh yeah tonight,in the woods

I nod my head and get up to go and pack up my things for the journey Deo asks me another question,one that kinda caught me off guard.

Timedeo:Hey uh Purpled I have another question...That night when Tubbo was about to hit me and when you saved me...Why did you do that?You could've let him kill me,then you could've had Tommy.Plus I have my 3 lives,if I died I would come back.

Purpled:Because Deo,I realised that I liked Tommy because of how happy and funny he was and that if I took you away,the thing he likes,then I wouldn't be able to see him happy anymore.I did it for his happiness.

I smiled a little to him before finally entering my room to pack.
Heyheyehey Author Unii here!Again I apologise for not posting in like...2 months?3?Idk.But I have been running out of ideas,also I'm Lazy...Deal with it.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter and I hope you guys are having a good day,Tata :]

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