The help

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_Tubbo pov_
Ranboo:Tubbo...Where did you go?

...F*ck.I completely forgot about him,what am I gonna say?!?!?

Tubbo:Ranboo it's not what you think...

Ranboo:Tubbo I know you're lying,you made a promise to stop!

Tubbo:Well I'm sorry for looking out for some one!Just please Ranboo I'm sorry just...Please forgive me?

Ranboo:...Fine,but if you do it again I won't forgive you

Ranboo then walks out and slams the door,leaving me alone.Im sorry Ranboo,but I can't let Tommy be sad again,I don't want him to act as if he's in exile again,I was not supporting him when he needed me the most...But I can change that,I just need to make sure Tommy loses his feelings for stupid Timedeo,why?Deo will break his heart,I know he will.

I go lie down on my bed,and fall asleep.

I woke up feeling happy as ever,because today is the day that I will be telling the plan to...The help.Anyways I walk to Ranboo's room he's not here,then I walk down stairs and see no one there...Perfect.

I go to the kitchen and boil some water,while waiting I might as well make some tea.After like 15 minutes I hear a knock at my door,I turn off the I put my cup of tea on the table and answer the door,they were here.

Tubbo:Ah hello...Techno and Purpled,come in

I move and they both enter through and sit down on the couch.I go and get my tea and sit down with them

Tubbo:ok so before we discuss the plan I just have to ask...Are you sure you guys want to be part of this

Technoblade:Yes,I've met Deo before in Smp earth and I don't like him not only did he kill my dog but I know that if Tommy gave him a chance Deo wouldn't take it

Tubbo:Exactly,what about you purpled?

Purpled:*sighs*Well if it means I'll get Tommy then I'll take it

Perfect,I knew Purpled liked Tommy for a while but he never got his chance,until one day he decided to try but then Tommy went to the prison and died,he was sad but then I told him that Tommy was revived,he was happy but mad at the fact that Deo tried to take Tommy from him,so right now he's trying to find a way to not let that happen,until now

Technoblade:What?Purpled I can't let that happen

Tubbo:but he's better then Deo right?

Technoblade:...Fine,but make him sad I'll kill you,got that?

Purpled:oh please,I doubt I'd make him sad

I then explain to the the plan,basically me and Techno would try tell Tommy that Deo isn't the one for him,while Purpled would just try make Tommy like him

Purpled:Wait...Isn't that manipulation?

Tubbo:Um no,no it's not,we're just making sure Tommy doesn't get with Deo even though he likes him

Purpled:Tubbo...You're starting to sound like drea-

Tubbo:Do you want Tommy or not?


After a while of discussing things they left,leaving me all alone...Why do I have the feeling someone's looking at me?...Ah whatever,I'm gonna go and find some bee's!

_Dream pov_
It's been a few days since I've left the prison,it's nice to be outside again,I live in the woods in a little hut,no one has seen me,yet.

Anyways I was walking trying to find a cow to kill when I hear people talking,I go closer to where I here the noises and stumble upon...Tubbo's house?I didn't know his place was near here,what're Techno and Purpled doing there?

I see the 3 of them walk inside,so I walk quietly to Tubbo's window and peak inside,I heard the whole conversation.Apparently this new guy called Timedeo is in love with Tommy and they're trying to stop him from getting close to Tommy,also Purpled likes Tommy!I knew he had something for him...Y'know what?I think I'll help them...

As I think that I see the 3 of them go outside,they might see me,I turn around and run away back to my hut and on the way find some cows to kill,how should I help them...I don't know,I'll figure it out later but for now it's time to sleep.
Heyehyhey author Unii here!Just wanna say that after next week is the day,the day that I'll be posting part 2 of 'The new kids' and not only that but  the next chapters are gonna have some drama and angst,specifically Philza angst and Sbi family lore that I made up myself.

Anyways hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter,Tata :]

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