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Class was going on as usual and Taehyung's thought was about being any where but here.

The topic they've been on was kind of personal.

"You should make yourself appealing to Alphas or betas depending on what you want?"

Mrs Cheng continues talking about how omega should always be peaceful and calm cause it attracts Alphas since they are mostly opposite of that.

Taehyung honestly feels attacked, he does notice every omega here subtle glancing at him.

They believe he's the complete opposite of peaceful which really isn't true but Taehyung wasn't about changing their opinion of him it's pointless.

I mean after all their peaceful and submissive nature they still ended up here with him the stubborn omega

He rolls his eyes over and over.

"I told you as time goes on we'll start digging more into theories but today we'll start by hearing from our guest."

Taehyung directs his attentions to Mrs Cheng.

"Please Hyungwoo come on in"

No way!

"Hyungwoo here is going to talk to us from an alpha point of view"

No way they brought Hyungwoo of all people, what a freaking joke. Yes Taehyung has an history with the Alpha.

History of kicking right between his legs and almost biting his finger off. He remembers how big of a deal it was, no one cared he was an omega that was defending himself.

Hyungwoo's father holds some position in this town, so yeah people like Hyungwoo always twist things against people like him in this town.

Hyungwoo walked in wearing his usual stupid smirk and Taehyung is really wondering how he was chosen to be the guest


Hyungwoo's father is in charge of the local halls in this town. Makes sense.

"Welcome Hyungwoo-shi, Thank you for making out time to be here, we are going to ask the most common questions hopefully you can give us answers."

Taehyung snorts making sure his eyes are fixed on the Alpha waiting for when he'll notice him.

He didn't have to wait for long

Hyungwoo's eyes meet his, Taehyung notice the alpha falters a little before composing himself and ending their held eye contact with a glare.

"Ok ok write down the question you want an answer to on the small slip you were given few minutes ago."

Taehyung looks down on the small slip in his hand a small smirk playing on his lips.

He wrote down just two words and pass the slip like others to Mrs Cheng.

Then the question and answer starts.

"What do Alphas find most attractive about omegas?" Mrs Cheng reads from one of the slips directing her question to Hyungwoo.

"Well looks for sure, good manners, submissiveness, trust me no one finds omega that go against them attractive" Hyungwoo glance at him at the last statement.

"The next question. Alphas from Dong-gu mates other town omegas than their town omegas why?"

Taehyung sits up straight, honestly interested in this question.

Hyungwoo looks taking aback at the question.

"Well-" start the alpha looking around the hall. "Cause omegas here lack what they want?" Hyungwoo said with a shrug. "I mean why settle with what you can get so easily"

THE BILLIONAIRE ALPHA // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now