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"Are you sure you don't want more?" jungkook asked when Taehyung says he's done eating

"No I'm full"



Jungkook was indeed dreading this talk and he was wishing Taehyung will eat longer while he continues to gather himself. But the time is here. It's now or never. His nerve, goddess please help me, he mentally prays.

How is he even going to start this, he thought stretching out his hand to gently take Taehyung's in his own rubbing them gently. Taehyung smile at him from the opposite side of table, not making any move to pull his hand, which is a good sign.

Jungkook clears his throat, totally unnecessary but he's fucking nervous. Jeon jungkook is going to shit his pant any moment now.

"Baby I want to tell you all about myself, I mean the part I omitted " Taehyung gives him a nod to go ahead. " firstly I want you to know I love you with all my heart, with everything in me and nothing changes, I'm still the same Jungkook who is madly in love with you"

"Kookie what, you're beginning to scare me"  Taehyung says quietly biting his lip while looking down at their intertwined hands. Jungkook wants to kiss him so badly, he wants to hold his baby closer. He's missed him so much.

"No Tae please don't be" He looks around and suddenly feels they are in the wrong please to be talking about this. "Can we go somewhere more quiet to talk?" Taehyung nods.

"The park, I know a quiet place we can talk, I swear kookie this talk is beginning to scare me"

"Hey, hey" Jungkook calls. He melts has Taehyung look up to meet eyes with him." Come baby" He stands pulling his angel up then pulling him outside toward his car. Jungkook pulls his baby into a tight hug the moment they got to where they park their car.

"I love you" He whispers into his hair

"I love you too kookie"

"Get in baby"


Meanwhile in Kim's household.

Aera hates Taehyung, she really does, right from the moment Taehyung walked into their house and his mother mummers to them "oh that's your father's son" Taehyung was everything she wished for, pretty face, smartness, alluring aura, confidence, bold, strong while also looking so innocent like he couldn't hurt a fly. 

Taehyung has a natural likable aura that every where dey go people just like him, he doesn't even have to try and that use to piss her off so bad.

To top it all their father adores Taehyung, at first when they were younger it use to make her cry. Then from nowhere the special affection their father use to show Taehyung stopped. To be honest they were all wondering why. 

It was barely there but Aera could still see their father adores Taehyung 

In all of that it is still very obvious Kim Wumin will chose Taehyung over everyone of them in this house without even blinking twice.

Taehyung did change too, so much, from being the kid who they could push around to a kid they are even scared of starting trouble with cause well if you bring any trouble Taehyung will double it for you.

That's not even what's  bothering her right now..

Aera stares at her phone still speechless. The entire house is affected, They couldn't even have dinner together again cause their mind is occupied with Taehyung and who he is with. Everyone is just pretending like they are not subtly waiting for Taehyung and his boyfriend to comeback. Nobody expected this

Aera stares at her phone in disbelief. This has to be a joke right? Taehyung is going to this man's mate? Jeon jungkook?

"Still staring at it huh"

Juhun says beside her making her lock her screen 

She hums watching their grandmother as she walks towards the window again.

"It's getting creepier" Juhun comments on their grandmother watching the window every 30 seconds

"What are you thinking about"

"Nothing much, just Taehyung getting to have everything again,literally"

"I know right, you ever wonder what they even see in him?" Juhun says shaking her head and "The fact I saw him first, wish I knew"

Aera eyes her brother. "You did say you believe you met him first?, more like he flirted with you?"

"He literally said he didn't" Jihu jumps in from nowhere 

You see the thing about Jihu is he really doesn't care, that is, he is really nonchalant about things. He never joins in to their plan to fight Taehyung. Their mother use to shout at him for that when they were younger cause well they could be thinking of something and Jihu will just walk in and says. "How about you all just leave him alone"

"Nobody asked Jihu" Juhun says bitterly 

"Just saying"

"Both of you really?"

"I'm just saying the truth the man openly denied it in front of you " Jihu says chuckling. "It was funny though" He adds. " just saying though in case you're thinking of anything Juhun cause I know you. You better give it up, you'll just end up embarrassing yourself even more"

"Jihu" Aera tiredly calls warning him not start a fight

"Anyways mother says I should come call you to help clear up the kitchen" Jihu stands up stretching while yawning and then he's walking away.

That's just Jihu

Juhun sighs beside her standing up to go join Jihu in the kitchen.

"Well, maybe  he could introduce us to his billionaire friends " His brother says casually walking away

And Aera won't lie he considers it

Is she engaged to be mated soon? yes

Isn't her mate to be also rich? 

You see that's where she's  exaggerated on a lot. Things aren't really as Aera has  painted it to be.


Jungkook holds Taehyung's hand leading him to a bench in a secluded area of the park. The ride here was quiet. Really quiet. He had tried bringing up conversations but it just seemed forced. The really needed to talk and clear up everything.

Honestly Jungkook didn't think it will be this difficult to tell someone he's a billionaire. He should fucking being bragging about it 


He can't, he can't open his mouth to say it to this one person, this boy right here, but he will, he needs to, his angel needs to know who he really is.

 The boy has meant everything to him in just the short period of time he's known him. Taehyung is indeed his soulmate. His world

Jungkook wants to give his world the world .

"So tell me kookie what's going on?" Taehyung asked immediately they sat on the bench

Jungkook takes in a deep breath.

"I'm a billionaire Taehyung"

Jungkook watch the boy stare at him with same expression like Jungkook wasn't making sense. so jungkook repeats it

"I'm a billionaire Taehyung "



THE BILLIONAIRE ALPHA // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now