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Jungkook knocked on the familiar door nerves eating him from the inside out.

The door flung open revealing his sunshine, his baby.

"Hey baby" Jungkook  greets pulling the boy into his arms to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Taehyung gave him that beautiful smiles that melts his heart and nerves instantly. "My love" Jungkook whispers to the boy's hair kissing every inch of his face. Jungkook smiles as the boy let out a soft chuckle.

"I miss you"

"I miss you more angel"

Someone let out a forced cough behind Taehyung breaking the wonderful moment he was having with his angel. Jungkook holds back the urge to growl remembering where he is.

" Taehyung's boyfriend " An older woman says with a not so friendly face.

Jungkook bows in greeting. "Yes that's me. My name is Jeon Jungkook"

He watches as the woman run her eyes over him. Yes jungkook didn't change his cloth, he came here as himself. Jeon jungkook. Jungkook watch as the whole family look back to where his car is packed.

"Oh my friends, please Mr Kim can my friends stay here. I want to take Taehyung somewhere."

"We were having a family gathering" The older woman points out.

"Which we are done with" Taehyung rush to say. "Let's go kookie"

"Who's Jungkook to say no."

"You both can stay here if you want  or go check into a hotel?"

Jin eyes the family still staring at them from the door and mumbles "maybe a hotel" then he side hugs him whispering "tell him everything. Good luck"

"Yeah thanks"

He collects his car keys from Namjoon walking over to his car. Jungkook can see the confusion painted on Taehyung's face. He ignores it and opens the passenger seat for Taehyung to get in. Taehyung just stood at a place staring at him. "Please get in baby, I'll explain everything, please."

Taehyung nods looking back to the entire family that was watching them from the door including his friends.

All jungkook is still praying for is that everything goes well


Kim Wumin is not surprised at all, actually he's known who Jungkook is for days now. He had taken him so much of control to not say it when his mother kept throwing jabs at  Taehyung's Alpha. 

He had tried to stop Taehyung from seeing the news of his Alpha, he already knows his son didn't know who is alpha really is. Taehyung is clueless as everyone else. But he thinks it was too late. 

Wumin doesn't know why Jungkook would come to this town and pretend to be poor,  the man literally has enough money to buy this small town. So why?

He watches with satisfaction as the car pulled off into the street.

"Well he looks far more better than I even expected. Quite handsome too" His mother voices, she seems to have been shock to see jungkook. Wumin doesn't know what his mother was expecting. Maybe an alpha in rags or something. His mother then turned to Jungkook'a friend. "It's really nice of you to let him borrow your car."

The last part was totally unnecessary but his mother will always be who she is

The visitors burst into a loud laughter, especially the omega that seems to find everything amusing.

"Borrow what "? The omega says still laughing  

"That's Jungkook's car" 

"One of his cars" adds the omega. He seems to have read the situation more than the tall alpha

THE BILLIONAIRE ALPHA // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now