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Nice to meet y'all  



Jungkook sits on his bed playing with the phone in his hand, should he call, should he continue to wait. Taehyung asked for space and Jungkook is really trying to respect it but it's hard.

Taehyung needs time to process everything Jungkook understands that but still he can help but feel fear. What if after thinking it through Taehyung chose to break up with him for good.

Heavens! The thoughts alone is heartbreaking.

Jungkook loves Taehyung, he hopes and prays it will be enough.

Jungkook falls asleep in his big empty bed dreaming about Taehyung in his arms.


"You're so selfish!" Aera screams banging on his door

"Aera leave your brother alone" The banging stops

"Appa are you going to keep defending this, Taehyung is wicked and selfish"

"I said leave him alone"

"I hate you "

"Feeling is mutual Aera"

 That seems to pain her even more she let out a loud forced laugh. Taehyung rolls his eyes

"Oh now what? you think you're some God cause Jeon Jungkook is your Alpha"

"Think what ever you want Aera but I'm not letting any of you use him in any of your shit"   Taehyung shouts back still concentrating on packing his valuable belongings. He's done with everything.

Taehyung is not about to contribute to people using his alpha. Enough already 

"You have no idea how much I hate you"

Taehyung laughs. " I've been hearing that since I was 10, I don't fucking care Aera you should know that by now" Taehyung cursed out not even caring about his father that is on the other side of his door.

"You are-"

"Aera that's enough!" His father barks out

"Why are you shutting her up" Oh his step mom is there too, great. "Let her tell him the truth, he's nothing but a selfish brat!"

Taehyung ignores her

"Leave my son alone Sumi" His father says tiredly

"There is, you're a fucking disgrace Kim Wumin "

"You better watch your mouth woman"

"Or what?" 

Taehyung hears his grandmother says. Oh they are complete, wonderful. The visitors have probably left, good for them.

"Or it's going to get worst in this house, starting with you leaving my house mother."

"Oh please like I haven't hear that before, you're really a disgrace Wumin."

"I don't care mother."

"He's got you wrapped up like a fool just like his mother did"

"So what?  I loved her, satisfied mother?" 

Ok, that got Taehyung to pause for a second


"I stopped treating my son the way I should have cause I was scared of y'all hurting him from jealousy or what ever shit you fed me with. Not anymore. If Taehyung says he doesn't want to get his Alpha involve then that's what it's going to be"

THE BILLIONAIRE ALPHA // TAEKOOK✔️Where stories live. Discover now